Upcoming Events


Nurturing Hope in Ourselves and Others: The Science of Hope and Well-Being

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Hope is the mindset that drives resilient behaviors in everyone, including women. Hope is the expectation we have that we can identify pathways and generate the agency to attain desired goals. Research shows that hope is a psychological strength that can be nurtured and is one of the protective factors to our well-being.

This presentation and discussion with Dr. Chan Hellman—a professor of social work at the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa, the Executive Director of the Hope Research Center, and the author of Hope Rising—will introduce the science and power of hope, how trauma and adversity impact hope, and practical strategies for building resilience in individuals and communities. Dr. Hellman’s almost 20 years of research at the Hope Research Center demonstrating hope as a protective factor for children and families experiencing adversity and trauma, will be the basis for his presentation. He discovered that hope can be taught and nurtured in children and adults who are facing all types of challenges. We all need more hope in today’s world. Join us and learn more about how more hope can change our lives!

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Finance Upperclassmen Panel - Fall 2024

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Women in Finance Club has listened to your feedback and will have a panel of impressive juniors and seniors to answer some of your burning questions regarding all things finance. Come join us in the Caines Room located in the Life Science Building on November 22nd from 12-1 pm. This is going to be an active discussion so please bring your questions and friends!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Life Sciences Building |




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