P-Card Office

(435) 797-9683 • fax: (435) 797-1077 • Old Main 026

The Purchasing Card (P-Card) system provides a convenient way to purchase University business-related items, while containing costs associated with the procurement of these items.

US Bank Customer Service

Customer service is available 24 hours a day. 1 (800) 344-5696

P-Card Assistance
If you have questions or need assistance from the P-Card office, please email PCardAdmin@usu.edu

P-Card Presentations
P-Card Presentations
Current and past presentations given regarding the p-card system.


Misty Andrus

P–Card Manager & Administrator | Accounts Payable and P-Cards

Office Location: Old Main 028
Phone: (435) 797-0589
Email: misty.andrus@usu.edu

Jill Hansen

P-Card Assistant | P-Cards

Office Location: Old Main 030
Phone: (435) 797-9683
Email: jill.hansen@usu.edu

Michelle Johnson

P-Card Assistant | P-Cards

Office Location: Old Main 26
Phone: (435) 797-1046
Email: michelle.johnson@usu.edu

Michelle Bair

Disbursement Manager | Supervisor over Accounts Payable, Travel, and P-Cards

Office Location: Old Main 031
Phone: (435) 797-1045
Email: michelle.bair@usu.edu