Travel Office

A new per diem rate will apply to all travel beginning on or after July 1, 2024. The daily travel rate will be increased to $59.00 per day. Current percentage rates will still apply to travel days and meal breakdowns. The mileage rate will be increased to $0.61 per mile for personal vehicles.

Effective September 30th, 2024 travel procedures will be updated to require the following: 
Attachment to the TA/TR of conference agendas, partial agendas, registration, or other documentation containing information that will support the dates of conference and meals provided as well as the business purpose of meetings, and the names of participants and their affiliations. Mileage logs for Open TA's will also need to include a business purpose for each trip. 

The Travel Office provides assistance to USU Travelers and Preparers throughout the travel process. We offer a variety of services and benefits for your travel needs. Here you will find information and helpful hints for processing, arranging, and reconciling travel.


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