To schedule a meeting with EC Business Manager Alexis Coppello, click the button below:
Proposal Development
Click below for access to our Proposal Development Guide, and example documents to aid you in your requests for funding:
Proposal Development Guide
Example Documents
Advisory Board
Ecology Center Faculty Advisory Board
Scott Hotaling; Assistant Professor, Watershed Sciences; Email: scott.hotaling@usu.edu
Stefani Crabtree; Assistant Professor, Environment and Society; Email: stefani.crabtree@usu.edu
Kezia Manlove; Assistant Professor, Wildland Resources; Email: kezia.manlove@usu.edu
Tammy Rittenour; Professor, Geosciences; Email: tammy.rittenour@usu.edu
Wei Zhang; Assistant Professor, Plants, Soils, & Climate; Email: w.zhang@usu.edu
Norah Saarman; Assistant Professor, Biology; Email: norah.saarman@usu.edu
Participation in Professional Meetings
The Ecology Center considers requests for partial support for faculty or graduate student travel to regional or national professional meetings for presentations as first or sole author. Here is our new process for handling these requests. At the start of each month, two members of the advisory board will consider and rank the requests received during the previous month. We expect to award up to $1000 each month, though this number may change with our budget. Priority will be given based on financial need and the benefit to the faculty or student of attending the meeting. Requests will be capped at $500. Requests that are not granted will be rolled over to the following month until the need for the funds has passed. Similarly, unspent funds will be rolled over to the following month. You may view the spreadsheet listing the award amounts, purposes, and recipients here:
To apply for travel support, email the following information to Thad (thad.nicholls@usu.edu): 1) the name and dates of the meeting, 2) the title and authorship of the presentation, 3) your estimated budget for the meeting, 4) the amount of requested Ecology Center funds (note that the Ecology Center does not provide support for registration fees, and 5) a list of other sources of support for your participation in the meeting, or an explanation of why no other support is available. Please keep in mind that we will make decisions in the first week of each month and plan ahead. If you need a faster decision, explain why and give us a clear deadline.
Publication Costs
The Ecology Center also considers requests for partial support (up to $500) for publication costs. Requests will be considered within the same process described above for meeting participation support. Priority will be given to student-led papers and projects without publication costs in their budget.
To apply for support, email the following information to Thad (thad.nicholls@usu.edu): 1) a pdf of the manuscript, 2) the name of the journal, 3) the total publication cost, 4) the amount of requested Ecology Center funds, and 5) a list of other sources of support or an explanation of why no other support is available.
Policy on Use of the Ecology Center as Cost Center
The Ecology Center and Deans of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Quinney College of Natural Resources, and College of Science have agreed to the following policy on use of the Ecology Center as a cost center.
Any faculty associate of the Ecology Center has a free choice of having grants and contracts administered by the Ecology Center or other cost centers. The following provisions apply for use of the Ecology Center as a cost center:
- The research involved must be ecological in nature.
Of the 30% indirect costs (F&A) returned to the Center:
- 40% (12% of total indirect costs) will be returned to the PI with the understanding these funds are to be used at the PI's discretion for purposes that are allowable under USU policies for expenditure of funds. The Ecology Center can set up and administer an account for PI indirect.
- 20% (6% of total indirect costs) will be returned to the PI's department.
- 40% (12% of total indirect costs) would remain in the Center for discretionary spending unless the PI has an appointment with the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) or is funded by State Wide Campus (SWC). For AES appointments, the Ecology Center will retain 9% of the total and pass 3% to the AES. For SWC appointments, the Ecology Center will retain 6% of the total and pass 6% on to SWC.
- If the Ecology Center supplies matching funds on a grant or contract, the Center will recover the cost of the match from indirect cost returns before passing on funds to the department and PI.
- All grants and contracts administered by the Ecology Center will have the availability of the Center accounting and clerical services.
- If a PI leaves employment at USU, the indirect return account of the PI will no longer accrue returned indirect costs from any grants still in force, but the department will continue to receive its share. If the PI has completed association with USU, any funds remaining in the PI's indirect account will be passed to the PI’s department for its discretionary use. This does not apply to faculty who retire at USU, who may continue to use returned indirect costs for professional activities. If a departed PI continues with an adjunct USU position, such as to help USU graduate students finish their degrees, the PI can use remaining returned indirect costs for purposes associated with research still based at USU.
Investing in new ecological research initiatives
The Ecology Center will entertain proposals from faculty associates for financial assistance in developing new research endeavors. It takes much time and effort to develop competitive proposals and new initiatives and the Ecology Center seeks to facilitate this development. Potential forms of financial assistance the Ecology Center will consider are:
- Travel support for collaborators from other institutions to come to Logan for proposal development
- Support of workshops that can lead to new research initiatives
- Travel support for faculty associates to collaborate in proposal development at other institutions
- Working Groups
If you are interested in applying for such assistance, please contact Peter Adler by personal visit or email (peter.adler@usu.edu) and we can discuss your ideas. This would be followed by a short written proposal to the Center. Priority will be given to ideas that will lead to potentially fruitful proposal development for new research funding (especially for competitive grants and contracts), collaborative ventures with co-PI’s from USU or other institutions, and interdisciplinary efforts. The main thrust of the work must be ecological in nature.
Join Us
Must do one of the following:
- Publish articles of an ecological nature in appropriate, peer-reviewed journals
- Teach courses that support the education of Ecology MS and PhD students
Application Process
- Submit a letter of application that includes evidence of meeting the above criteria as well as CV
- Applications submitted, but rejected by the Director can be appealed to the Center's Faculty Advisory Board
- May be major professor for a student pursuing the Ecology degree
- Will receive email notice of Ecology Center activities, job openings, funding opportunities, etc.
- May apply for travel funds to help support presentation of an ecological nature at appropriate national meetings
- May apply for assistance with page charges for ecological papers in appropriate peer-reviewed journals
- May use the Ecology Center as a cost center for grants and contracts
Ecology Center Associates should note their affiliation with the Center in presentations at meetings and in publications supported in part by the Center. The latter is generally done by including the affiliation in the author's address.