2015 |
David Denlinger Ohio State University
Insect Diapause: Shutting Down for the Winter Surviving in the Antarctica: And Insect Perspective |
2021 |
Peter Marra Georgetown University, Director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative Washington D.C.
Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer Studying birds in the context of the annual cycle: Seasonal interactions and carry-over effects. |
2021 |
Ivette Perfecto University of Michigan, Professor of Environment & Sustainability Ann Arbor, Michigan
Integrating Conservation and Agruiculture to Feel the World Sustainably and with a Social Justice Lens Using natural history to informt he study of complex ecological systems: a case study of the coffee agroecosystem |
2021 |
Diana Six University of Montana, Professor of Forest Entomology/Pathology Missula, Montana
Fungi matter: the ecological stoichiometry of bark beetle-fungus symbioses What makes a survivor? Growth, chemistry, genetics, and climate sensitivity of whitebark pine affected by climate-driven mountain pine beetle outbreaks |
2021 |
Chelsea Wood University of Washington, Assistant Professor of Aquatic & Fishery Science Seattle, Washington
Ghosts of oceans past: What can data on historical parasite burdens tell us about the future of marine disease? Habitat area integrates over spatial and temporal variability in snail abundance to predict human urogenital schistosomiasis burden |
2021 |
James Beasley University of Georgia, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Management Athens, Georgia
History, management and future of invasive wild pigs in the U.S. Radioactive Wildlife: Impacts of the Chernobyl and Fukushima on Wildlife |
2020 |
Tadashi Fukami Stanford University, Associate Professor of Biology Stanford, California
Origins and Frontiers Nectar microbes as a natural microcosm |
2020 |
Jessica Hua Binghamton University, Assistant Professor of Biological Studies Binghamton, New York
Disease Ecology in the Face of Global Change Scientists as Environmental Educators |
2020 |
Jonathan Hall West Virgina University, Assistant Professor of Geography Morganton, West Virginia |
Conservation geography in the Anthropocene California Condor movement ecology in human-dominated landscapes |
2020 |
Abi Vanak Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Fellow Bengaluru, India |
Help! My best friend is an invasive: Dogs in the wrong places Mad dogs and sick monkeys: Understanding pathogen dynamics in complex systems |
2019 |
Kezia Manlove Assistant Professor, Ecology Center & QCNR Utah State Univesity
Harnessing incomplete information in real-time to understand -and manage- emerging infectious disease events in humans and wildlife: Some synthesis and an eye towards COVID-19 |
2019 |
Clare Aslan Associate Director, School of Earth & Sustainability Northern Arizona University
Friends Forever? Environmental Change and Pollination Pollinator Visitation to Native Hawaiin Plants |
2019 |
John Fieberg Associate Professor, Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Biology University of Minnesota
What I've learned, so far, as a quantitative ecologist Methods for modeling among-animal variability in habitat selection studies |
2019 |
Nyeema Harris Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan
Carnivore community ecology in light of anthropogenic pressures. |
2019 |
Danica Lombardozzi Project Scientist II, Global Dynamics Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research
What can plants tell us about air pollution? Linking leaves to global climate: Understanding terrestrial ecosystems in changing environments |
2019 |
Robin Kimmerer Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
p- values and cultural values: creating symbiosis between indigenous and western scientific knowledges to advance ecological justice |
2019 |
Rob Jackson Professor, Earth System Science Senior Fellow, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment Senior Fellow, Precourt Institute for Energy Stanford University
Greenhouse gas emissions and natural solutions Ecology underground: belowground processes and global change |
2019 |
Bob Holt University of Florida Chair in Ecological Studies
Niche Conservatism, evolution, and applied ecology |
2019 |
Kaveh Madani Imperial College London Visiting Professor of Natural Sciences
Water, Complexity, and Public Policy in Iran Can we solve one problem without creating new ones? |
2018 |
Jesse Morris University of Utah Research Assistant Professor
Long-term perspectives on environmental change: What does paleoecology offer? Black cats in dark rooms: Reconstructing past forest disturbances to confront an uncertain future |
2018 |
Tim Essington University of Washington Professor and Associate Director
The big deal about little fish Why are conference presentations so bad, and what to do about them |
2018 |
Nalini Nadkarni University of Utah, Professor
Tapestry thinking: Weaving ecology, public engagement to bridge science and society Effects of disturbance on ecosystem functions of rainforest canopy biota |
2018 |
Andrew Jorgenson Boston College, Professor & Chair
Sociological research methods for studying socio-environmental relationships Climate change, inequality and human well-being: perspectives from macrosociology |
2018 |
Elizaeth Borer University of Minnesota, Professor
Kangaroos, Kudu, and Caribou: mammalian herbivores, nutrients, and future grasslands on Earth Effects of environmental nutrient enrichment on pathogens: from individual to biogeographic scales |
2018 |
Meghan Duffy University of Michigan Associate Professor
The value of basic scientific research: how water fleas might teach us how to fight fungal infections in people What can plankton tell us about links between ecosystems & disease? |
2018 |
Johanna Varner Colorado Mesa University, Assistant Professor
Engaging Citizens in Place-Based Climate Change Research Pikas Under Fire: American Pika Ecology and Behavior in a Time of Global Change |
2018 |
Elizabeth Leger University of Nevada Professor
Tales from the crypt: What can we learn from natural history collections? (DVD available in the EC) Practical applications of contemporary evolution (DVD available in the EC) |
2018 |
Francesca Cotrufo Colorado State University, Professor & Associate Head
Soil organic matter dynamics in a changing world: can wicked challenges be transformed into opportunities? From plant inputs to soil organic matter formation and stabilization: an integrated measuring-modeling approach |
2018 |
Craig Allen USGS Fort Collins Science Center, Research Ecologist
Reflections on landscape change research & the arc of one ecological career Transformative ecosystem responses to interacting extreme events |
2018 |
Richard Reading University of Botswanna Fullbright Scholar/Conservation Scientist
From "Paper Park" to Model Protected Area: Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia African Vulture Crisis |
2017 |
Rob Pringle Princeton University Assistant Professor
Niche collapse and trophic downgrading on islands with 'novel' top predators |
2017 |
Gregory Retallack University of Oregon Professor
Astropedology and the origin of life Global cooling by grasslands in the geological past and near future |
2017 |
Asmerit Asefaw Berhe UC Merced Associate Professor
What's soil erosion got to do with carbon sequestration? Post-fire soil carbon dynamics: Particulate and dissolved pyrogenic carbon in fire-affected soils |
2017 |
Jennifer Funk Chapman University Associate Professor
There goes the neighborhood: the odyssey of invasive plants Trait-based approaches to ecological restoration in invaded plant communities |
2017 |
Doug McCauley University of California
Ecological Dynamics in a Smaller World Extinction and the Future of Our Oceans |
2017 |
Diana Wall Colorado State University
New frontiers in biodiversity: soil life moves to the world stage |
2017 |
Nathan Stephenson USGS
A Non-Traditional Career in Science Tree growth rate increases continuously with tree size and the origins of a scientific controversy |
2017 |
Daniel Schindler University of Washington
How watershed features control ecosystem processes in river basins The importance of prediction for developing effective policy for global change |
2016 |
Nicole Barger University of Colorado
Advances in biological soil crust restoration in North American drylands Transforming STEM education in Higher Education |
2016 |
Bruce Hungate Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences Regents' Professor
Microbial ecology of soil carbon Climate change, what's new? |
2016 |
Sharon Strauss University of California, Department of Evolution and Ecology Professor
Are more closely related species more ecologically similar? The Evolution of the Ecological Niche |
2016 |
Thomas Dietz Michigan State University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science
Beyond Well-Being and the Environment Understanding the Drivers of Global Environmental Change |
2016 |
Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi University of Texas
CO2 exchange in semiarid soils with biological soil crusts Cross Biome Contrasts in Soil Biogeochemistry
2016 |
Lisa Schulte-Moore Iowa State University
Prairie STRIPS: From Research to Action Growing a Resilient Agriculture in Iowa and Beyond |
2015 |
Nathan Morehouse University of Pittsburgh
Evolutionary Insights from the Reproductive Biology of Butterflies Vision, Predation, and Complex Courtship Signaling in Jumping Spiders
2015 |
Cathy Whitlock Montana State University
The Role of Climate and People in Shaping Past Fire Activity Yellowstone Stability and Change |
2015 |
Trevor Branch University of Washington
How do fisheries affect marine food webs The Status of Global Marine Fisheries: Opposing Arguments
2015 |
Sarah Bush University of Utah
Evolution of Cryptic Coloration in Ectoparasites Stalking Wild Lice in the Tropics |
2015 |
Tom Hobbs Colorado State University
Bayesian Analysis in Ecology: Six reasons to learn it explained simply |
2015 |
Hope Jahren University of Hawaii
What can the carbon isotope composition of planet tissue tell us Global Change and Your Dinner Plate |
2014 |
James Grace USGS
Can we Save Coastal Prairie from Coversion to Exotic Forest The Great Productivity - Diversity Debate
2014 |
Jonathan Moore Simon Fraser University
The Life Blood of Western Canada Oil or Salmon Free Flowing Rivers and their Diversity, Stability, and Conservation |
2014 |
Mary Ruckelshaus Stanford Woods Institute
The Science and Practice of Valuing Nautre's Benefits
2014 |
Jeremy Fox University of Calgary
Causes and Consequences of Spatially Synchronized Population Dynamics Blogs: A Newish Niche in the Scientific Communication Ecosystem
2021 |
Beth Rose Middleton Manning UC Davis
Toward De-Colonial Political Ecology Environmental Policy from Native American Studies
2021 |
Margaret Walls Resources for the Future
Conservation and Environmental Justice Fire, Smoke, and Jobs: Economic Impacts of Wildfire in the American West
2021 |
Merav Ben-David University of Wyoming
Who Pushed the Button? When the planet warms up, will social relationships cool down? A furry tail
2021 |
Chris Roos Southern Methodist Unviversity
Native American fire management at an ancient wildland-urban interface Native American fire management, climate and resilience in Southwest US forests
2022 |
Moises Exposito Alonso Carnegie Institute for Science/Stanford University
The Genomics of climate adaptation and extinction
2022 |
Tyler DesRoches Arizona State University
When Ecology Needs Economics and Economics Needs Ecology: Interdisciplinary Exchange During the Anthropocene Climate Change and Civilization Collapse
2022 |
Talia Karasov University of Utah
To Grow or to Defend: How Plants Optimize their Fitness in the Face of Pathogenic Attack
2022 |
Kirsten Vinyeta Utah State University
The Time is Now: Integrating Ecology and Sociology Understanding Northern California's Tinderbox Through Settler Colonial Theory
2022 |
Adrian Harpold University of Nevada, Reno
The role vegetation plays in a changing mountain water cycle Forest management for water supplies: Examples, challenges, and opportunities
2022 |
Karen Holl UC Santa Cruz
Spatially-patterned planting methods to scale up tropical forest restoration: Lessons learned from an 18-yr study Improving Outcomes of Large-Scale Tree Growing Initiatives
2022 |
Katharine Suding UC Boulder
Building scientific civic engagement through place-based research: the Boulder Apple Tree Project Digging deeper in the tangled bank: the dynamic nature of diversity in an era of global change
2023 |
Katharine Jacobs University of Arizona
Accelerating Climate Solutions at the National Level Moving Beyond Climate Adaptation vs. Mitigation
2023 |
Gillian Bowser Colorado State University
Pollinators and citizen science: broadening perspectives and participation in the applied sciences Management Actions and Participant-based datasets: Using citizen science to address pollinator decline in National Parks
2023 |
Malin Pinsky Rutgers University
Unifying climate change biology across realms and biological scales When can evolution save species from global change?
2023 |
Dayo Osinubi FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Getting From Here to There and Back: an overview of the study of avian migration patterns and strategies A Tale of Three Kings: studying the intra-African migration of the Woodland Kingfisher
2023 |
Zhao Ma Purdue University
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Conservation in the Context of Social-ecological Change Support, Don’t Coerce: The Role of Conditionality in Payments for Ecosystem Services
2023 |
Priyanga Amarasekare UCLA
Research, teaching, mentoring in the 21st century Predicting the effects of climate warming: from chemistry to evolution
2023 |
Joshua Schimel UC Santa Barbara
Writing Science The Democracy of Dirt: Relating Micro-Scale Dynamics to Macro-Scale Ecosystem Function
2023 |
Chris Armatas Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute
Social-ecological challenges and the role of the conservation social sciences: Applying a pragmatist lens Public engagement in support of natural resource planning and management: Exploring applications of a structured method
2024 |
Bill Anderegg University of Utah
Unraveling the risks to US forests under climate change Moderated discussion with Dr. Bill Anderegg, hosted by Ecology Center Director, Dr. Peter Adler
2024 |
Marie-Josee Fortin University of Toronto
Ecological Networks in Dynamic and Evolving Landscapes Moderated Discussion with Dr. Marie-Josee Fortin, hosted by Erica Stuber
2024 |
N. LeRoy Poff Colorado State University
The Challenge of Freshwater Resilience in a Rapidly Changing World A Tale of Two Mountains: Testing the Climate Variability Hypothesis in Tropical vs. Temperate Streams
2024 |
Lisanne Petracca Texas A&M - Kingsville
New Perspectives on Ocelot and Mountain Lion Ecology in the Texas-Mexico Borderlands Moderated discussion hosted by Dr. Julie Young
2024 |
Eric Wood UCLA
The effects of over a century of urbanization on the avifauna of Southern California Moderated discussion hosted by Dr. Julie Young
2024 |
Matt Forister University of Nevada Reno
Insects in the Anthropocene through the lens of butterflies in western North America Moderated discussion hosted by Dr. Zach Gompert (recording error)
2024 |
Matt McCary Rice University
Unraveling soil community dynamics in the era of global change Moderated discussion hosted by Dr. Andrew Kulmatiski
2024 |
Xiaofeng Xu San Diego State University
Ecology meets Math: Ecological Modeling at Multiple Scales Moderated discussion hosted by Dr. Wei Zhang
2025 |
Mike Dietze Boston University
Solving the Challenge of Predicting Nature: How Close are We and How Do We Get There? A multi-sensor data assimilation approach to terrestrial carbon cycle monitoring, inventories, markets, and projections.
2025 |
Jenn Fehrenbacher Oregan State University
Ecological Mysteries of Non-Spinose Foraminifera Revealed Through Geochemistry and Observations Moderated discussion hosted by Ollie Laub