Breanne Litts, Ph.D.

Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Department
Associate Professor (she/her)

Field: Instructional Technology
Areas of Focus: Community Engagement, Cross-cultural learning, Instructional Design, Research ethics, Storytelling


  • identity and learning
  • design of technologies
  • computational justice
  • community engaged research
  • learning through story/narrative
  • cross-cultural learning
  • design of learning environments
  • research ethics


Breanne K. Litts is an Associate Professor in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences and director of Learn Explore Design Lab at Utah State University. She investigates how people learn through making, designing, and producing at the intersection of physical and digital worlds. Dr. Litts conducts this work in collaboration with Indigenous communities, formal and out-of-school educators, and other community organizations. Together they examine how young people construct their identities through place and story, how to use technology to bring people together in cross-cultural contexts, and how people collaborate across disciplines, communities, and cultures. Specifically, they examine how to leverage place-based storytelling to engage young people in cultural and civic issues as well as computational and technological design practices. This work has received funding from the Spencer Foundation and the National Science Foundation, including an NSF Faculty Early Development (CAREER) award (#1943630). Dr. Litts’ work appears in journals such as Teachers College Record, Harvard Educational Review, and British Journal of Educational Technology.