Patrick Belmont, Ph.D.

Watershed Sciences Department

Field: Water Resources
Areas of Focus: Geomorphology, River Ecosystems, Water Quality, Water Resources Management, Wildfires


  • Water quantity/quality
  • Water resource management
  • Ecosystem health
  • Landscape changes
  • River changes


Dr. Belmont obtained his doctorate in Earth and Environmental Sciences at Lehigh University in 2007 and spent two years as a post-doctoral researcher in Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Minnesota prior to starting at Utah State University. He spent the 2016-2017 academic year in residence at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He currently serves as department head of Watershed Sciences. His research focuses on hydrology and geomorphology, such as how landscapes and rivers change over time and due to human influences and climate change, as well as how these changes will affect water body and ecosystem's health.