Simon Wang, Ph.D.

Plants, Soils, and Climate Department

Simon Wang

Field: Plants, Soils, and Climate
Areas of Focus: Air Quality, Climate Analysis, Climate Forecasting, Meteorological Forecasting


  • Climate data analysis
  • Climate dynamics
  • Climate prediction
  • Interdisciplinary climate study
  • Water processes
  • Air quality meteorology
  • Fire meteorology
  • Climate Extremes
  • Weather Processes
  • Hydrological Cycle
  • Large Wildfires


Dr. Simon Wang studies climate variability, weather process, extreme events, and climate prediction. His research covers many parts of the world including Asia, western Pacific, North America, Africa and the Arctic. He has published more than 150 peer-review academic papers in frontline journals in different subjects like the monsoons, air-sea interaction, severe weather, fire regime, air quality, tree-ring climatology, hydrological cycle, etc. etc. Dr. Wang edited the first monograph on climate extremes with the American Geophysical Union. He also leads the research and development of the Utah Climate Center. Dr. Wang is an advocate in climate services. In former lives, he was an air force weather officer and a freelance photographer.