Alexis Ault


Earthquake Geology and Thermochronology

Associate Professor

Alexis K. Ault

Contact Information

Office Location: Geology 317
Phone: 757.784.6452
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Geosciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2012
MS, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, 2007
BA, Geology and Political Science, Wellesley College, 2003


Dr. Alexis Ault is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geosciences at USU. After receiving her BA in Geology and Political Science at Wellesley College, she earned her MSc at University of New Mexico and PhD at the University of Colorado Boulder, followed by a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Arizona. Dr. Ault is the recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER award, USU’s College of Science Researcher of the Year, and the Early Career Award from the International Standing Committee of Thermochronology. Alexis, together with her group, is committed to expanding access to science within and beyond USU.

Alexis' research leverages earthquake geology and thermochronology to understand the spectrum of fault slip behavior and how Earth materials deform during the earthquake cycle. Her foray into earthquake geology emerged through developing new thermochronology tools in hematite-rich fault rocks. Her new research pairs textural and thermochemical observations of fault rocks down to the atomic scale with deformation experiments to document if and how earthquake energy is dissipated in shallow fault rocks. This research provides a bridge to geophysical observations of near surface deformation and has direct societal implications for seismic hazard assessment.

Research Interests

Earthquake geology, fault rock thermochronometry, tectonics


Graduate Mentor of the Year, 2024

College of Science

Kavli Fellow, 2023

National Academy of Sciences

Exceptional Reviewer, Geology, 2021

Geological Society of America

Chuck and Nancy Naesar Prize, Early Career Award, 2018

International Standing Committee on Thermochronology

Researcher of the Year, 2018

College of Science

NSF CAREER Award, 2017

National Science Foundation

Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists, USU Physical Sciences and Engineering category nominee, 2015

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2011

National Science Foundation

Publications | Abstracts

  • Ault, A., Frenzel, M., Reiners, P., Woodcock, N., Thomson, S., (2015). Hematite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission-track dating constrain paleofluid circulation in faults: an example from Gower Peninsula fissure fills, Wales. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 *
  • Ault, A., Reiners, P.W, Prante, M.R, Evans, J.P, Janecke, S.U, (2013). Dating brittle deformation with hematite (U-Th)/He chronometry: an example from the Wasatch fault zone, Utah. 2013 GSA Annual Meeting in Denver *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Armstrong, E.M, Ault, A.K, Kaempfer, J.M, Guenthner, W.R, (2024). Connecting visual metamictization to radiation damage to expand applications of zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Chemical Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.121949
  • Jensen, J.L, Ault, A.K, Geissman, J.W, (2023). Evaluating the compatibility of hematite (U-Th)/He data and hematite-carried secondary magnetizations: an example from the Colorado Front Range. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, 24, e2023GC010993. doi: 10.1029/e2023GC010993
  • McDermott, R.G, Ault, A.K, Wetzel, K., Evans, J.P, Shen, F., (2023). Microscale spatial variations in coseismic temperature rise on hematite fault mirrors. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025069. doi: 10.1029/2022JB025069
  • DiMonte, A.A, Ault, A.K, Hirth, G., Bradbury, K., (2022). Hematite accommodated shallow, transient Pleistocene slow slip along the exhumed southern San Andreas fault system, California, USA. Geology, 50, 1443-1447. doi: 10.1130/G50489.1
  • Odlum, M., Ault, A.K, Channer, M.A, Calzolari, G., (2022). Seismicity recorded in hematite fault mirrors in the Rio Grande rift. Geosphere, 18, 241-260. doi: 10.1130/GES02426.1
  • Armstrong, E.M, Ault, A.K, Bradbury, K., Savage, H.M, Polissar, P., (2022). A multi-proxy approach to robustly capture earthquake temperature rise on the Punchbowl fault, CA. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC01029. doi: 10.1029/2021GC010291
  • Moser, A.C, Ault, A., Stearns, M.A, Evans, J.P, Guenthner, W.R, (2021). Late Oligocene–Early Miocene Detachment Faulting in Crystalline Basement, Mecca Hills, CA, Documented With Zircon (U–Th)/He Date‐eU‐Visual Radiation Damage Patterns. Tectonics, 40:9, doi: 10.1029/2021TC006809
  • Taylor, M.P, Ault, A., Odlum, M.L, Newell, D.L, (2021). Shallow Rupture Propagation of Pleistocene Earthquakes Along the Hurricane Fault, UT, Revealed by Hematite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry and Textures. Geophysical Research Letters, 48:17
  • McDermott, R.G, Ault, A.K, Caine, J.S, (2021). Dating fault damage along the eastern Denali fault zone with hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 563, 1116872. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl2021.116872
  • Houser, L., Ault, A.K, Newell, D.L, Evans, J.P, Shen, F., Van Devener, B., (2021). Nanoscale textural and geochemical evolution of silica fault mirrors in the Wasatch fault damage zone, Utah, USA. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22:3, doi: 10.1029/2020GC009368
  • Cooperdock, E.H, Ault, A., (2020). Fe-oxide (U-Th)/He thermochronology: new perspectives on faults, fluids, and heat. Elements, 16, 319-324.
  • Calzolari, G., Ault, A., Hirth, G., McDermott, R.G, (2020). Hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry detects asperity flash heating during laboratory earthquakes. Geology, 48, 509-513. doi: 10.1130/G46965.1
  • Ault, A., (2020). Hematite fault rock thermochronometry and textures inform fault zone processes. Journal of Structural Geology, 133, 104002. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.1004002
  • Ault, A.K, Jensen, J.L, McDermott, R.G, Shen, F., van Devener, B.R, (2019). Nanoscale evidence for temperature-induced transient rheology and post-seismic fault healing. Geology, 47, 1203-1207. doi: 10.1130/G46317.1
  • Ault, A., Gautheron, C., King, G., (2019). Innovations in (U-Th)/He, fission-track, and trapped-charge thermochronometry with applications to earthquakes, weathering, surface-mantle connections, and growth and decay of mountains. Tectonics, 38:11, 3705-3739. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005312
  • McDermott, R.G, Ault, A.K, Caine, J.S, Thomson, S.N, (2019). Thermotectonic history of the Kluane Ranges and evolution of the eastern Denali fault in southwest Yukon, Canada. Tectonics, 38, doi: 10.1029/2019TC005545
  • Calzolari, G., Rossetti, F., Ault, A., Lucci, F., Olivetti, V., Nozaem, R., (2018). Hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry constrains strike-slip faulting on the Kuh-e-Faghan fault, central Iran. Tectonophysics, 728-729, 41-54. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.01.023
  • Jensen, J.L, Siddoway, C.S, Reiners, P.W, Ault, A., Thomson, S.N, (2018). Single-crystal hematite (U-Th)/He dates and fluid inclusions document widespread Cryogenian sand injection in crystalline basement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 500, 145-155. doi: 10.106/j.epsl.2018.08.021
  • DeLucia, M.S, Guenthner, W.R, Marshak, S., Thomson, S.N, Ault, A., (2018). Thermochronology links denudation of the Great Unconformity surface to the supercontinent cycle and snowball Earth. Geology, 46, 167-170. doi: 10.1130/G39525.1
  • Ault, A., Guenthner, W.R, Moser, A.C, Miller, G.H, Refsnider, K.A, (2018). Zircon selection reveals (de)coupled metamictization, radiation damage, and He diffusivity. Chemical Geology, 490, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.04.023
  • McDermott, R.G, Ault, A., Evans, J.P, Reiners, P.W, (2017). Thermochronometric and textural evidence for seismicity via asperity flash heating on exhumed hematite fault mirrors, Wasatch fault zone, UT, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 471, 85-93. doi: 10.1016:/j.epsl.2017.07.039
  • Moser, A.K, Evans, J.P, Ault, A., Janecke, S.U, Bradbury, K., Reiners, P., (2017). U-Th)/He thermochronometry reveals Pleistocene punctuated deformation and synkinematic hematite mineralization in the Mecca Hills, southernmost San Andreas Fault zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476, 87–99.
  • Ault, A., Frenzel, M., Reiners, P.W, Woodcock, N.H, Thomson, S.N, (2016). Record of paleofluid circulation in faults revealed by hematite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission-track dating: an example from Gower Peninsula fissures, Wales. Lithosphere, 8, 379-385.
  • Condit, C., Mahan, K., Ault, A., Flowers, R., (2015). Foreland-directed propagation of high-grade tectonism in the deep roots of a Paleoproterozoic collisional orogen, SW Montana, USA. Lithosphere, 7, 625-645.
  • Ault, A., Reiners, P.W, Evans, J.P, Thomson, S.N, (2015). Linking hematite (U-Th)/He dating with the microtextural record of seismicity in the Wasatch fault damage zone, Utah, USA. Geology, 43:9, 771–774.
  • Ault, A., Flowers, R., Bowring, S., (2015). Synchroneity of cratonic burial phases and gaps in the kimberlite record: Episodic magmatism or preservational bias?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 410, 97-104.
  • Evans, J.P, Prante, M.R, Janecke, S.U, Ault, A., Newell, D.L, (2014). Hot faults: Iridescent slip surfaces with metallic luster document high-temperature ancient seismicity in the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, USA. Geology, 42:7, 623–626.
  • Ault, A., Flowers, R., Bowring, S., (2013). Phanerozoic surface history of the Slave craton. Tectonics, 32, 1066-1083.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other


    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods, Spring 2024
    GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods, Spring 2023
    GEO 7050 - Graduate Seminar in Tectonics (Topic), Fall 2022
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2022
    , Spring 2022
    GEO 6580/7580 - Low-Temperature Thermochronology: Methods and Applications, Spring 2022
    GEO 6580 - Thermochronometry, Spring 2022
    GEO 3400 - Communicating Geoscience, Spring 2020
    GEO 6580, 7580 - Geochronology and Thermochronology, Fall 2019
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2019
    GEO 6200, 7200 - Graduate Seminar in Geochemistry (Topic), Spring 2019
    GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods, Fall 2018
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2018
    GEO 3400 - Communicating Geoscience, Spring 2018
    GEO 6580, 7580 - Geochronology and Thermochronology, Fall 2017
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2017
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Spring 2017
    GEO 6200, 7200 - Graduate Seminar in Geochemistry (Topic), Spring 2017
    GEOL 6200, 7200 - Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry and Geochronology, Spring 2017
    GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods, Fall 2016
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2016
    GEO 3400 - Communicating Geoscience, Spring 2016
    GEO 2500 - Geology Field Excursions, Spring 2016
    GEO 6580, 7580 - Geochronology and Thermochronology, Fall 2015
    GEO 5200 - Geology Field Camp, Summer 2015
    GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods, Fall 2014

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Alexandera DiMonte, Geosciences, August 2022
    Emma Armstrong, Geosciences, August 2021
    Jordan Jensen, Geosciences, June 2021
    Alexandera DiMonte, Geosciences, August 2019 - June 2022
    Ema Armstrong, Geosciences, August 2019 - August 2021
    Robert McDermott, Geosciences, August 2014 - December 2020
    Leah Houser, Geosciences, August 2017 - March 2020
    Michael Channer, Geosciences, August 2014 - May 2017