INTERSECTIONS Travel Grant Application

Application deadline:

October 1st (Fall)
February 1st (Spring)

To support the Center’s goal of funding research or creative works in the field of intersectional gender studies, and to support efforts aimed at advancing full and equal participation in the humanities and sciences, we seek proposals for our travel grant applications.

Application Requirements

  • Completed Cover Page, including name, contact information, title or role at USU, Department or unit.
  • Proposal (2 pages): briefly describe the fundable activities, their relevance to the Center’s mission and their significance to the applicant’s career 
  • Itemized Budget
  • Evidence of and source for matching funds (If matching funds are not available from any source, please include an explanation for exemption from this requirement)

Grant Details

  • The Intersections Travel Grant will provide up to $500 to USU faculty, staff, or students of any rank in pursuit of:

    • New project development, research expansion, project completion or performance activities;
    • In-person or virtual presentation of original research or creative works at academic or professional conferences;
    • In-person or virtual attendance at professional development-oriented events related to inclusion and equity.
  • Applicants must be current USU faculty, staff, or students pursuing activities related to the Center’s dual mission.
  • Preference will be given to early career faculty, staff, students and projects that include a clear graduate or undergraduate mentorship component.
  • Recipients must agree to acknowledge support from the Center in all public informational materials and publications resulting from the grant.