Inclusive Teaching and Research Resources

Internal and External Resources 

  • Resource guide featuring key works in the fields of intersectionality and Black feminist studies with USU library links for each resource.
  • USU Think, Care, Act provides inclusivity training and community resources for students and faculty at USU.
  • For an overview of what the research says about inclusive education, see the University of Michigan’s Why Do It? Research on Inclusive Teaching.
  • The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning at Brown provides evidence-based inclusive teaching and assessment strategies. 
  • Several professional associations (including the American Sociological Association and the American Historical Association) have issued statements discouraging the use of student evaluations as a primary factor in faculty promotion, salary increase, and appointment due to evidence of bias towards women and minorities. The Chronicle of Higher Education provides a good overview of the bias and Inside Higher Ed provides additional steps faculty members can use when discussing student evaluations in annual reviews.
  • Civil Discourse in the College Classroom orients faculty, teaching assistants (TAs), undergraduate teaching fellows (UTFs), and others across Utah State University to free speech at USU, components and benefits of civil discourse, implementations and more.
  • The Center for Empowering Teaching Excellence elevates and promotes our culture of teaching excellence across the statewide-system through events and programs that are open to all USU instructors, regardless of role statement or location.