Apply for a Spring Internship by October 1st!

September 23, 2019
Alex Johnson at the US Capitol
Alex Johnson, USU Alum and former IOGP Intern, at the US Capitol! 

Internships are a great way for students to get the extra experience they need to excell in their future career, create networks for life, and much more!

Logan Loftis, a former intern in Washington D.C. for Representative John Curtis, said of her experience: 

"Because of my internships through the IOGP, I have a clearer and better understanding of job opportunities and careers that fit my interests."

Kaden McArthur, an Alumni from USU and former State Legislature intern, said of his experience:

"Interning with the State Legislature was one of the most impactful opportunities while I was at USU. I recommend any student look into this great program!"

Internships are available for all majors and you can receive up to 12 credits for some internships. Deadline to apply for Spring 2020 internships is OCTOBER 1st! Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the "Apply Now" button to apply!