Tutoring Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Aggie Math Learning Center (AMLC)?

The Aggie Math Learning Center is your first stop for additional math and stats help. Located in the Animal Science Building (ANSC) the AMLC is home to free drop-in tutoring, recitation leader office hours, handouts, formula sheets, whiteboard-filled study space, subject review videos, and workshops.

Who can get tutoring help?

Free math and stats tutoring help is available to all USU students.

What subjects are tutored at the Aggie Math Learning Center?

If you need math or stats help our certified tutors are happy to help. The following subjects are tutored specifically in the Aggie Math Learning Center.

Math Subjects

MATH 0995 | College Mathematics Prep
MATH 1050 | College Algebra
MATH 1060 | Trigonometry
MATH 1100 | Calculus Techniques
MATH 1210 | Calculus I
MATH 1220 | Calculus II
MATH 2210 | Multi-variable Calculus
MATH 2250 | Linear Algebra/Differential Equations
MATH 2270 | Linear Algebra
MATH 2280 | Differential Equations

Stats Subjects

STAT 1040 | Intro to Statistics
STAT 1045 | Intro Stats with Algebra
STAT 2000 | Statistical Methods
STAT 2300 | Business Statistics
STAT 3000 | Statistics for Scientists

What can I expect from tutoring?

If you are visiting in person, join the queue and when a tutor is available, we will call your name and come join you. We will ask what you would like help on, where you are at, and work together with you to understand the next steps for your problem or question. We want to make this a personalized learning experience for you.

How much time can I expect a tutor to spend with me during a tutoring request?

If you see that the tutoring center is busy with many students waiting for help in the queue you can expect us to be able to help for about 15 minutes. However, if you have more questions, we want to help you, so please join the queue again and we will be back to help you as soon as we can.

If the tutoring center is slow, we are happy to help you for as long as you need.

How do I get a tutor to help me when I come in to the AMLC?

After you sign in to the AMLC with your student ID and find a place to study you can alert the tutors that you are ready for help by joining the queue. The queue may be joined by making a tutoring request online. This can also be accessed through your canvas dashboard on your own computer or the one in the back of the AMLC. Ask a tutor to show you how to do this if you get stuck.

Where can I get tutoring?

Face to Face math and stats tutoring is available in the Animal Science Building (ANSC) Room 118 at USU Logan Campus. Online tutoring is available through your canvas dashboard or can be requested.

Who are the tutors?

The tutors are CRLA certified undergraduate students at Utah State University. They are students like you who have experience in the classes you are now taking and want to help you be successful.

Is online tutoring available?

Yes, online tutoring over zoom is available. You can request tutoring help through your canvas dashboard or fill out the request online.

Do I need to make an appointment for tutoring?

No, all tutoring available at the AMLC is first come, first served. Feel welcome to stop by ANSC 118 any time we are open, to study and get help when you have questions.

Where can I give feedback about my tutoring experience?

We review and value the feedback given to us throughout the semester. Please fill out our short Qualtrics survey and let us know about your experience, so we can continue to improve.

How can I request a tutor?

There is a short video tutorial on how to request an online or face to face tutor from the Aggie Math Learning Center at Utah State University.