Dual Career Assistance

The Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President is committed to recruiting and retaining highly qualified and competitive faculty. To strengthen our capacity to meet institutional objectives, USU’s Dual Career Assistance (DCA) policy (USU Policy 385.2.1.1 ) enables university leadership to support careers for partners who are also seeking employment.

The dual career program at USU attempts to fill open positions and sometimes creates new positions to accommodate the partner’s qualifications and occupational interests. To establish a new position, funds may be contributed from the recruiting department and college, the accommodating unit (academic or administrative), and/or the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President.

When DCA is offered for recruiting purposes, it is the faculty member’s primary department that predominantly advocates for the couple requesting assistance. To ensure eligibility, interested candidates should discuss dual career assistance during job offer negotiations. If a position cannot be matched to a DCA candidate at the time of hire, the partner will be added to the university DCA list maintained in the Office of Human Resources to be considered for future positons as they become available.

Although rare, DCA accommodation is sometimes offered for retention purposes. In these circumstances, the home department requests approval from the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President before initiating contact with administrators of departments/units in which the partner might find suitable employment.

For more information on dual career assistance, please contact:

Andi K. McCabe
Assistant Provost
Phone: (435) 797-1121
Email: andi.mccabe@usu.edu