Staff Elevated Conference Schedule

USU Eastern Conference Schedule & Broadcast Options, March 12 & 13

Logan Campus Conference Maps

Wednesday, March 13

Time Event/Session Session Session Session Session
11:00 am Keynote: Building a Community of Belonging by Jane Irungu, VP of IE (Performance Hall/YouTube live link)        
1:30 pm Welcome (LSB)        
2:00 pm Keynote: SEA and Staff Elevated by Alison Fabricius, SEA President (LSB 133/zoom link)        
2:50 pm Break        
3:00 pm (Sessions) Why You Don't Have to Dance on TikTok: Tips to be Successful on Social Media by Alisha Wilkins (HH 220/zoom link) Confidence and Creativity by Cindy Jenkins (HH 322)

limit of 25 people
Empowered Leadership: How Ambiverts, Introverts, and Extroverts Can Work Together by Christina Pay (HH 226/zoom link) Do I Belong Here? Dealing with Imposter Syndrome by Tressa Haderly & Laura Holley (HH 222/zoom link) CrochetLore by Alex Ziegler (HH 320)

limit of 25 people
3:45 pm Break        
4:00 pm Why You Don't Have to Dance on TikTok: Tips to be Successful on Social Media by Alisha Wilkins (HH 220/zoom link) Confidence and Creativity by Cindy Jenkins (HH 322)

limit of 25 people
Empowered Leadership: How Ambiverts, Introverts, and Extroverts Can Work Together by Christina Pay (HH 226/zoom link) Do I Belong Here? Dealing with Imposter Syndrome by Tressa Haderly & Laura Holley (HH 222/zoom link) CrochetLore by Alex Ziegler (HH 320)

limit of 25 people
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Evening Party  (West Stadium)

RSVP Required (closed)  

Thursday, March 14

Time Event/Session Session Session Session Session Session
9:00 am Why We Work at USU: Connecting Our Jobs to USU's Mission by Associate Vice Provost Harrison Kleiner & Executive Director Heidi Kesler (ENGR 104/zoom link) One Voice. One Brand. One USU. by Jay Wright, Amanda DeRito, Lindsi Glass (ENGR 201/zoom link)  Benefits Unleashed: Maximizing the Potential of Your USU Benefits by Angie Clayson & Heather Cheatham (ENGR 108/zoom link) New Projects on Logan Campus by Jordy Guth & Katie Haslam (ENGR 205/zoom link) Behind the Scenes: Business Services at USU by Whitney Pugh (ENGR 203/zoom link) The Many Parts of Event Services by Reed Capener, Brandon Hansen, Audrey Kirkman, Mandy Idso, Robbie Gerber, Melisa Wood (ENGR 106/zoom link)
9:45 am Break          
10:00 am Why We Work at USU: Connecting Our Jobs to USU's Mission by Associate Vice Provost Harrison Kleiner & Executive Director Heidi Kesler (ENGR 104/zoom link) One Voice. One Brand. One USU. by Jay Wright, Amanda DeRito, Lindsi Glass (ENGR 201/zoom link) Benefits Unleashed: Maximizing the Potential of Your USU Benefits by Angie Clayson & Heather Cheatham (ENGR 108/zoom link) New Projects on Logan Campus by Jordy Guth & Katie Haslam (ENGR 205/zoom link) Behind the Scenes: Business Services at USU by Whitney Pugh (ENGR 203/zoom link) The Many Parts of Event Services by Reed Capener, Brandon Hansen, Audrey Kirkman, Mandy Idso, Robbie Gerber, Melisa Wood (ENGR 106/zoom link)
10:45 am Break          
11:45 am - 1:15 pm Lunch (Library South Atrium)

RSVP Required (closed)
1:30 pm Managing Emotional Eating by Brooke Parker (ENGR 104/zoom link) How Do I Get My Work-Life Balance Back? by Matt Yost (ENGR 106/zoom link) Taking Control of Stressors by Gabriela Murza (ENGR 205/zoom link) Take a Hike in Utah by Lisa Schainker & Amy Torres (ENGR 203/zoom link) Emotional Resilience at Home and Work by Spencer Kohler (ENGR 201/zoom link)  
2:15 pm Break          
2:30 pm Managing Emotional Eating by Brooke Parker (ENGR 104/zoom link) How Do I Get My Work-Life Balance Back? by Matt Yost (ENGR 106/zoom link) Taking Control of Stressors by Gabriela Murza (ENGR 205/zoom link) Take a Hike in Utah by Lisa Schainker & Amy Torres (ENGR 203/zoom link) Emotional Resilience at Home and Work by Spencer Kohler (ENGR 201/zoom link)  

Friday, March 15

Time Event/Session Session Session Session Session
9:30 am Embracing Conflict by Andree Walker (HH 260/zoom link) Canva Design Hacks: 10 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Designs by Aimee Brunson & Heidi Adams (HH 270/zoom link) Writing for Fun & Wellbeing by Amy Torres & Lisa Schainker (HH 280/zoom link) 20 Tips for Better Pics--with Pictures! by Levi Sim (HH 326/zoom link) Budgeting Made Easy by Darrell Harris (HH 360/zoom link)
10:15 am Break        
10:30 am Embracing Conflict by Andree Walker (HH 260/zoom link) Canva Design Hacks: 10 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Designs by Aimee Brunson & Heidi Adams (HH 270/zoom link) Writing for Fun & Wellbeing by Amy Torres & Lisa Schainker (HH 280/zoom link) 20 Tips for Better Pics--with Pictures! by Levi Sim (HH 326/zoom link) Budgeting Made Easy by Darrell Harris (HH 360/zoom link)
11:30 am Food Truck Rally (on the Quad) 

RSVP Required (closed)


Session Descriptions

Session Presenter Description Day Times Zoom Link Location
Why You Don't Have to Dance on TikTok: Tips to be Successful on Social Media Alisha Wilkins Striking the right balance between professional poise and playful engagement on social media isn't just a skill; it's an art. In this presentation, we'll get into savvy strategies for higher education managers to keep their brand's voice both clear and captivating. We're talking about making real connections with your audience and having a bit of fun along the way, all while staying true to what your brand stands for. Let's unpack how to give your social media presence that extra spark, with zero dance experience required! Wednesday

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

zoom link

zoom link

HH 220
Confidence and Creativity (limit 25 people) Cindy Jenkins Come learn about how creativity relates to confidence. We'll go over how creativity can help improve your life and how to boost your confidence through creativity, including a painting tutorial during class. Limited to first 25 people per session. Paints and paper will be supplied. Wednesday

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

not avaliable on Zoom

HH 322
Empowered Leadership: How Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts can Work Together Christina Pay An extrovert is a person who requires higher levels of outside stimulation to function well, tends to tackle projects quickly, is a risk-taker, and multi-tasker. They think out loud and on their feet, and are comfortable with conflict but not solitude. Whereas the definition of someone who is introverted includes working slowly and deliberately, they are thinkers and concentrate well. While they may have strong social skills, they tend to focus on those closest to them. Introverts listen more than they speak and often feel they express themselves best in writing. Many people have traits of both and extrovert and an introvert. These people are known as ambiverts. All tendencies are valuable and can enhance and strengthen the work environment. in this session, participats will: 1. Complete a bried quiz to gain an understanding of their personality tendencies, 2. Engage in a discussion about how individuals can leverage their natural strengths and encourage others around them to do the same in their work environment and personal lives, 3. Learn how to appreciate and work more effectively with their introverted peers, volunteers, and program participants. The goal of this workshop is for participants to leave with a greater appreciation for both introvereted and extroverted traits along with skills in creating environments where all leadership styles can thrive. Wednesday

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

zoom link

zoom link

HH 226
Do I Belong Here? Dealing with Imposter Syndrome Tressa Haderlie & Laura Holley Do you ever feel like an imposter?  Like someone not qualified to be in your position?  If you haven’t, we can guarantee that our students have.  This presentation will discuss Imposter Syndrome, what it is and how to work through it in ourselves and help our students work through it.  We’ll share some tools to help identify strengths and recognize that we all belong. Wednesday

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

zoom link

zoom link

HH 222
CrochetLore (limit 25 people) Alex Ziegler Crochet is a craft that is passed from person to person, through personal interactions with friends and family, learned through internet videos, and even self-taught. Folklore is also a practice or way of life that is shared through community. Today we will discuss how crochet fits within the wide parameters of folklore, then take our own turn at learning the craft. Limited to first 25 people to per session. Yarn will be supplied, but please bring a 5.0 mm hook. Wednesday

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

not avaliable on Zoom HH 320
Managing Emotional Eating Brooke Parker Want to learn how to manage your emotions without using food?  This session will focus on identifying your personal hunger and fullness cues, your triggers for eating when not hungry, and ways to manage our emotions differently.  You will walk away with tools that promote a more peaceful relationship with food. Thursday

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

zoom link

ENGR 104
How Do I Get My Work-Life Balance Back? Matt Yost Have you ever wanted to improve your work-life balance? Does the scale tip too far in one direction at times? How can you get your balance back? Work-life balance is a struggle for most University employees. Expectations are high and success and compensation are often measured by time committed to work. This session will be a discussion on how to regain and maintain better work-life balance. It comes from a presenter who has struggled with this balance and has learned the hard way how to maintain better balance.   Thursday

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

zoom link

ENGR 106
Taking Control of Stressors Gabriela Murza Stress happens! We know it exists in our lives, and anything can technically stress out our bodies (whether it’s “good” or “bad”). So, let’s talk about what stress is, what it isn’t, why some of us are more prone to stress than others, and ways to manage stress. We will explore the differences between a daily hassle, chronic strain, and major life event, and how we can utilize that knowledge to manage the stress that might come from them. Thursday

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

zoom link

ENGR 205
Emotional Resilience at Home and Work Spencer Kohler We are witnessing one of the hardest emotional times in our history and many of us feel powerless to do anything about it. This workshop will identify some key factors that are causing this emotional drain and give you some tools to help you feel better so you can live your best life. There will not only be a great discussion but we will also practice some real skills you can implement in your daily life. So come prepared to loosen up and enjoy some fun interactive activities designed to help you lead a more emotionally resilient life.   
My name is Spencer Kohler and I am a behavioralist. I teach Psychology at USU and I am also a trained mental health therapist. I have taught Mental Wellness workshops across the state of Utah for the past 13 years and I am excited to help you improve your life. My workshops are personable and interactive so you get practical application for a more emotionally resilient life. 

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

zoom link

ENGR 201
Embracing Conflict Andree Walker How does the word “Conflict” make you feel?  If you are like most people, you want to avoid it at all costs!  In this session we will explore the concept of 'Embracing Conflict.' Discover how navigating challenges can lead to growth, innovation, and stronger connections. Uncover strategies for turning conflict into opportunities and fostering a positive, collaborative environment. Join us on a journey to embrace conflict as a catalyst for positive change. Friday

9:30 am

10:30 am

zoom link

HH 260
Canva Design Hacks: 10 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Designs Aimee Brunson & Heidi Adams Canva users work smarter, not harder. Whether you are new or a seasoned pro, this session will teach you 10 useful hacks to save time, ensure your Canva workflow is seamless, and take your marketing materials to the next level. Friday

9:30 am

10:30 am

zoom link

HH 270
20 Tips for Better Pics--with Pictures! Levi Sim Great light, great subject, great opportunity: Don't blow it. When these three things come together, you need to know how to take advantage of them. Join Levi to learn how to make your camera do what you want to make the picture you want. You'll also learn composition tips to help your photos look more interesting, as well as tips specifically for portraits, sports, and wildlife photography.        

This class is for everyone. All skill levels will pick up some useful tips, and all cameras – including phones – are welcome. Feel free to bring your camera for tips after class, but this course will not include hands-on work – unless we do an impromptu photo walk during lunch! The "Lightroom Photo and Video Editor" app is a recommended download.

9:30 am

10:30 am

zoom link

HH 326
Budgeting Made Easy Darrell Harris Making a budget can be easy to do - it's the sticking to it that's the real challenge! Attend this session to learn about a money system that is easy to use, involves automation, does all of your tracking for you, and won't let you overspend. I've been using this system for over a decade and still love it! I look forward to sharing it with you. Friday

9:30 am

10:30 am

zoom link

HH 360
Writing for Fun and Wellbeing Amy Torres & Lisa Schainker Almost all of us do it at work, but writing can also be a fun leisure activity that relieves stress. It doesn’t cost anything and can be done anywhere. In this presentation, we will share some different ways to express yourself through writing from journaling to product reviews, and some possible outlets to get your work read by others (if you want to share it). Friday

9:30 am

10:30 am

zoom link

HH 280
Take a Hike in Utah
Lisa Schainker & Amy Torres Whether you are new to this state or have lived in Utah all your life, there are probably some hikes you didn’t know existed. In this presentation, we will cover where to find hikes near you and how to assess if they are right for your experience level. We will also share some things to remember so that you can hike safely throughout the year. Thursday

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

zoom link

ENGR 203
Why We Work at USU: Connecting Our Jobs to USU's Mission
Associate Vice Provost Harrison Kleiner & Executive Director Heidi Kesler Participants will leave with an understanding of USU’s mission to support students, the value of the degree, and how staff can contribute to that mission no matter their role. Thursday

9:00 am

10:00 am

zoom link

zoom link

ENGR 104
Benefits Unleashed: Maximizing the Potential of Your USU Benefits
Angie Clayson & Heather Cheatham Are you sure you know about all of the benefits at your fingertips? If you haven't heard of benefits like Health Champion, TalkSpace, Charlie Health, or MetLife Legal, then this 45-minute benefit review will be worth your time. Thursday

9:00 am

10:00 am

zoom link

zoom link

ENGR 108
The Many Parts of Event Services Reed Capener, Brandon Hansen, Audrey Kirkman, Mandy Idso, Robbie Gerber, Melisa Wood Learn from a panel sharing about the broad array of service that are provided by Event Services. Thursday

9:00 am

10:00 am

zoom link

zoom link

ENGR 106
One Voice. One Brand. One USU. Jay Wright, Amanda DeRito, Lindsi Glass

The Utah State brand is more than a logo. Utah State University is known for its strong brand identity, reflecting our values, mission, and reputation. Our brand’s foundation is our visual identity, messaging tone, and content standards. Achieving unity and brand cohesion creates a strong identity, builds trust and credibility, enhances recognition and visibility, and fosters support for the institution. Overall, this unity effectively maintains our reputation as a leading land-grant institution. One Voice. One Brand. One USU.

In this session, we’ll discuss strategies and tools you can use as an Aggie to ensure brand consistency and cohesion across all of our diverse areas.


9:00 am

10:00 am

zoom link

zoom link

ENGR 201

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