Chapter Procedures

Eastern Chapter

I. Organization


This organization shall be known as the Utah State University (USU), Staff Employee Association (SEA), Eastern Chapter, and the organization will be referred to as the Eastern Chapter hereafter in the procedures. The Eastern Chapter is recognized body the USU SEA (see SEA Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2.I).


All Eastern full time, permanent part-time, exempt, and non-exempt staff (excluding student employees, faculty, and Eastern Executive Administrators) shall be considered a member of the Eastern Chapter. Members of the Eastern Chapter will be referred to as staff or members hereafter in the procedures.

Chapter Year

The calendar year of the Association shall be July 1 through June 30.


These procedures shall govern the Eastern Chapter and shall be consistent with SEA Bylaws and USU policies and procedures.

II. Purpose

Eastern Chapter elected officials reflect the unique role of Eastern in the Statewide Campus system, and these positions allow specific concerns to be communicated to Eastern campus administrators. Eastern Chapter elected officials participate in the monthly SEA Executive Council meetings via IVC/Zoom or in person. Eastern Chapter representatives provide coordination of efforts between SEA leadership and staff on the Eastern campus, and Eastern Chapter elected officials oversee committees to meet the specific needs of staff members on the Eastern campus as well as communicate with Eastern staff members the specific resources available through SEA.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Eastern Chapter is to provide representation and advocacy to administrative leadership on all matters that effect staff and the vitality of the campus; the Eastern chapter also promotes professional and personal development, as well as job improvement, among the staff.

Goals and Objectives

  • The goals and objectives of the Eastern Chapter include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Provide a representative organization empowered to speak with authority for Eastern staff members.
  • Foster a harmonious and cooperative relationship between administration, faculty, exempt and non-exempt staff, students, and community members.
  • Facilitate communication, understanding and cooperation among staff with other USU groups (faculty, administration).
  • Review, formulate, and recommend policies and procedures designed to promote quality, and foster the growth and development of the staff.
  • Improve the general welfare and unity among the staff, including fostering professionalism.
  • Promote the goals, interests, and objectives of Eastern.
  • Address concerns of staff, collectively or individually.

III. Governing Body

Eastern Chapter Council

The Eastern Chapter will be led by a Council of elected officials. The Council consists of the following:

  1. Eastern Senior Representative
  2. Eastern Past Representative
  3. Eastern Junior Representative
  4. Senior Chair – Eastern Executive Assistant and Treasurer
  5. Senior Chair – Eastern Communications Committee
  6. Senior Chair – Eastern Health and Wellness Committee
  7. Senior Chair – Eastern Legislative Committee
  8. Senior Chair – Eastern Recognition and Elections Committee
  9. Senior Chair – Eastern Staff Development Committee
  10. Senior Chair – Eastern Social Committee
No member of the Council shall hold more than one elected position at a time in the Eastern Chapter.

Term of Office

All Council member’s term of office shall begin July 1 and shall end June 30, except for the “Senior Chair – Communication Committee.” The position of Eastern “Webmaster” is permanently appointed as the “Senior Chair – Communication Committee;” if the Webmaster does not want to serve in this role, then this position will be appointed by the Senior Representative and can serve consecutive terms with approval of the Senior Representative each year.

The Past Representative, Senior Representative, and Junior Representative shall each be one-year consecutive terms. At the conclusion of the expired term, the Senior Representative shall succeed to the position of Past Representative, the Junior Representative shall succeed to the position of Senior Representative and a new Junior Representative shall be elected.
The Senior Chair positions shall each be one-year consecutive terms (except for the Senior Chair – Communications Committee,” see above). At the conclusion of the expired term, the Junior Chair for each committee shall succeed to the position of Senior Chair, and a new Junior Chair shall be elected.

Duties of the Senior, Past and Junior Representatives

The Senior, Past, and Junior Representatives should attend all Eastern Chapter general meetings. Additionally, all Representatives should attend the monthly Eastern Chapter Council meeting, and each has full voting authority. If the Senior Representative is unable to attend the Council meeting, the Junior Representative may act in her/his place. All Representatives and the Senior Executive Assistant and Treasurer should attend the monthly “SEA Eastern Chapter Update” meeting with the Eastern Associate Vice President. In April and May of each year, the outgoing Junior Representative (who will become the Senior Representative) should actively recruit at least one staff member to run as the Junior Representative and serve the following year, as well as recruit staff members to run for other open positions as needed.

The Eastern Senior Representative shall:

  • Represent the voice and issues of the Eastern Chapter as a voting member of the USU SEA Executive Committee (see SEA Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2. I).
  • Attend and participate in the monthly SEA Executive Council Meetings via IVC/Zoom or in person.
  • Represent the Eastern Chapter on the Eastern Regional Advisory Board and the Eastern Commencement Committee, and serve as a voting member of the Eastern Safety Committee and the Eastern Space Management Committee.
  • Serve as the Chair of the Eastern Chapter Council, and conduct monthly Council meetings.
  • Schedule and attend the monthly “SEA Eastern Chapter Update” meeting.
  • Organize, chair, and conduct other meetings with Council officers and staff members as needed.
  • Appoint Senior and Junior Chairs when positions become vacant, according to the Eastern Chapter procedures.
  • Create and appoint a Chair for ad hoc committees as the need arises.
  • Call and conduct all meetings of the staff of the Eastern Chapter.
  • Have general charge and supervision of the affairs and business of the Eastern Chapter, including setting goals and objectives.
  • Represent the Eastern Chapter on various USU Eastern committees and meetings with USU Eastern executives and administrators.
  • Delegate responsibilities related to the Chapter as the need arises.
  •  Serve as a voting member of the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA).
  • Attend and participate in the monthly UHESA meetings via IVC/Zoom or in person.
  • Create and appoint Chairs for additional standing committees, as the need arises.

The Eastern Past Representative shall:

  • Mentor the current Senior Representative in the current happenings of the Eastern Chapter.
  • Oversee all changes to the Eastern Chapter procedures under the direction of the Senior Representative.
  • Serve on other USU Eastern committees as assigned by the Senior Representative.
  • The Senior Executive Assistant and Treasure position shall have signature approval of all disbursement of monies as approved in advance by the Senior Representative of the Council. In the absence the Senior Executive Assistant and Treasure position, the Past Representative may make necessary disbursements of monies.
  • Other assignments as requested by the Senior Representative.

The Eastern Junior Representative shall:

  • Represent the voice and issues of the Eastern Chapter on the USU SEA Executive Committee.
  • Attend and participate in the monthly SEA Executive Council meetings via IVC/Zoom or in person, and have voting authority in the Senior Representative’s absence.
  • Represent the Eastern Chapter on the Eastern Safety Committee and the Eastern Space Management Committee, and have voting authority in the Senior Representative’s absence.
  • Serve on other Eastern committees as assigned by the Senior Representative.
  • Help the Senior Representative enact goals and objectives for the Eastern Chapter.
  • Attend and participate in the monthly Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA) meetings via IVC/Zoom or in person, and have voting authority in the Senior Representative’s absence.
  • Discharge the duties of the Senior Staff Representative in the event of her/his absence (including voting authority).
  • Other assignments as requested by the Senior Representative.

Duties of Senior and Junior Chairs

All committees shall have a Senior Chair and a Junior Chair (excluding the Communications Committee, which has an appointed Senior Chair and does not have to have a Junior Chair), and Senior Chairs should preside over the committee to which they are elected. The Senior and Junior Chairs should attend all Eastern Chapter general meetings. All Senior Chairs should also attend the monthly Eastern Chapter Council meeting, and they have full voting authority. If the Senior Chair is unable to attend the meeting, the Junior Chair may act in her/his place and have full voting authority. The Senior Chairs will report the activity of their committees monthly in the Council meeting. Senior Chairs should coordinate regularly (monthly, if needed) with the appropriate Logan campus committee that has similar responsibilities as the Eastern committee. Senior and Junior Chairs shall invite other staff members to participate on the committee, enabling more staff members to be involved and help with the responsibilities of the committee (except the Executive Assistant and Treasurer and the Communications Committee). Senior Chairs shall hold monthly committee meetings. In April and May of each year, the outgoing Junior Chair (who will become the Senior Chair) should actively recruit at least one staff member to run as the Junior Chair and serve the following year. The Junior Chairs shall assist the Senior with his/her duties during the first year of term, and become the Senior during the second year of term.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Executive Assistant and Treasurer shall:

  • Keep accurate record of the proceedings of Eastern Chapter meetings, and provide electronic copies to members of the Council.
  • Prepare and distribute meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Schedule rooms and spaces for Eastern Chapter general meetings and Council meetings.
  • Attend the monthly “SEA Eastern Chapter Update” meeting with the Eastern Associate Vice President, the Senior Representative, the Past Representative, and the Junior Representative.
  • Before the beginning of term of service, receive training from Eastern Business Services personnel so that treasurer duties can be performed in accordance with university policies.
  • Prepare and process paperwork for the Eastern Chapter expenditures and funds.
  • Manage all funds pertaining to the Eastern Chapter.
  • This position shall have signature approval of all disbursement of monies as approved in advance by the Senior Representative or the Council. In the absence of a person in this position, the Past Representative may make necessary disbursements of monies.
  • Prepare an annual budget and submit it to the Council for approval.
  • Keep detailed financial records of approved annual budget proposals, actual budgets, and year-end financial reports which shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Council.
  • Report on receipts and expenditures as asked by the Senior Representative at general meetings and Chapter Council meetings.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Communications Committee shall:

  • The position of Eastern “Webmaster” is permanently appointed as the “Senior Chair – Communication Committee;” if the Webmaster does not want to serve in this role, then this position will be appointed by the Senior Representative and can serve consecutive terms with the approval of the current Senior Representative.
  • A Junior Chair does not have to be elected for this committee, although a Junior Chair can be elected or appointed if desired.
  • Work with all members of the Eastern Chapter Council to get information to the staff members.
  • Develop, create and maintain an Eastern Chapter website that reflects the most current information for the Council.
  • Document events with photos or other media to be used as needed.
  • Conduct an annual staff satisfaction survey of communication effectiveness and solicit ideas for improving communication among the Eastern Chapter. Present survey findings to the Eastern Chapter Council.
  • Promote activities and initiatives of the Eastern Chapter to the campus and community.
  • Collect member comments submitted through various media and distribute them to the Council.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Health and Wellness Committee shall:

  • Plan and organize events that promote healthy lifestyles through dietary choices, physical activity, and education.
  • Identify partnerships on and off campus for employee health and wellness. 
  • Organize events and encourage staff participation to promote health and wellness (e.g. Brown Bag educational luncheons, Four Week Challenges, Walking Club, and Healthy Potlucks).

The Senior Chair – Eastern Legislative Committee shall:

  • Represent the voice of the Eastern Chapter at the Utah Legislature in matters that impact the Chapter as a whole by participation in the legislative process.
  • Work closely with the SEA Legislative Chair in Logan and the Government Relations Office to relay the concerns of the staff that are of importance to the legislature.
  • Support and enhance relations with the Eastern Regional Advisory Board.
  • Actively participate in the SEA Legislative Committee.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Recognition and Elections Committee shall:

  • Plan and conduct programs to recognize staff, working with Senior and Junior Staff Representatives and Eastern Administrators.
  • Plan and conduct the Staff Member of the Quarter recognition. The Staff Member of the Year is chosen from one of the four Staff Members of the Quarter.
  • Organize and conduct yearly elections for Eastern Chapter elected officials.
  • Ensure that picture and name of the staff member of the year is placed on the plaque in the Alumni Room yearly.
  • Plan and conduct special elections if needed.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Staff Development Committee shall:

  • Organize, coordinate, and promote professional and technical development opportunities for staff through ongoing trainings and workshops; development opportunities should improve staff skills, competence, and morale.Research and invite guest sp
  • eakers to Eastern that enhance the staff experience.
  • Organize five-minute trainings each quarter (as needed) that inform staff members of procedures, programs, and tools that will help staff stay informed and function more effectively.
  • Work with the Associate Vice President of Eastern to organize and execute a yearly conference to promote employee education and professional development.
  • Coordinate with Eastern Chapter Council members to develop ideas for education and professional development.
  • Coordinate with the Eastern Chapter Senior Representative and Executive Assistant and Treasurer to finance and facilitate staff development opportunities.

The Senior Chair – Eastern Social Committee shall:

  • Plan and organize social events that help build morale and staff interaction. Social events will occur, at minimum, four times throughout the fiscal year.
  • Work with the Senior and Junior Representatives to plan an annual employee banquet for outgoing Senior Chairs and incoming Senior and Junior Chairs, as well as all outgoing and incoming Representatives.


All Junior positions will rotate into their respective Senior or Past Representative positions upon the completion of their first-year term, and elections will be held annually for new Junior positions and other open positions (if needed). The Senior Chair – Recognition and Elections Committee shall organize and oversee elections and special elections (if needed) with the help of the Junior Chair and committee members. Members of the Eastern Chapter Council help by recruiting staff members to run for open positions.

The Recognition and Elections Committee shall conduct the election of all Eastern Chapter Council positions in accordance with the following:

  • Nominations from Eastern Chapter members for open positions will be advertised and accepted between 1 April and 31 May.
  • The outgoing Junior Representative (who will become the Senior Representative) should actively recruit at least one staff member to run as the Junior Representative and also actively recruit staff members to run for other open positions as needed.
  • The outgoing Junior Chair (who will become the Senior Chair) of each committee should actively recruit at least one staff member to run as the Junior Chair and serve the following year.
  • The Recognition and Elections Committee shall screen those nominated to be sure the nominees are eligible, willing, and able to serve.
  • Before accepting a nomination, nominees shall check with their supervisor to ensure they have department approval to participate in the position, if elected.
  • Eligible nominees shall provide a brief introductory paragraph about themselves, their interest in the position, and why they would be effective in the position (no more than 1,000 words).
  • Eligible nominees may campaign for open elected positions. No university monies may be spent on the campaign, and only $50.00 of personal money may be spent on the campaign. The Senior Chair – Recognition and Elections Committee has authority to ask eligible nominees for a complete record of costs incurred during a campaign, and nominees are obligated to comply with the request within seven days. If a violation of the campaign procedures occurs, the Senior Chair – Recognition and Elections Committee has authority disqualify a candidate or reverse the results of an election for that office. The decision of the Senior Chair is final and cannot be appealed.
  • An electronic ballot that includes the brief introductory paragraph from each candidate shall be prepared by the Recognition and Elections Committee and shall be distributed to all members of the SEA Eastern Chapter. Ballots shall be distributed and processed based on a list of current staff provided by Human Resources. Members may request a paper ballot from the committee for those where electronic ballots are not feasible. All ballots, whether paper or electronic, received by the appointed deadline shall be counted.
  • The committee shall count all eligible ballots. The candidates with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner for each open position. In case two candidates receive the same number of votes, the committee shall flip a coin to select a winner in the presence of the two candidates.
  • The committee shall announce the results at the next Eastern Chapter Council meeting as well as through appropriate Eastern publicity channels.
  • Elections shall be completed by 15 June each year. The last half of the month of June should be used as a time to help newly elected officials and Junior positions succeeding to Senior positions with orientation as they transition into their new positions.
  • Special elections follow the same procedures listed above, except the dates should be amended to fit the situation. If a Senior Chair – Recognition and Elections Committee needs to be elected, the Senior Representative will oversee the election with the help of the Junior Chair – Recognition and Elections Committee and committee members.


Upon the resignation or vacancy of the Senior Representative during an uncompleted term, the Junior Representative shall assume responsibilities. If there is not a Junior Representative, the responsibilities shall be held by the Past Representative until the next election. Should the Past Representative position become vacant during an uncompleted term, the position will remain vacant until the next election when the outgoing Senior Representative shall succeed to the Past Representative position. Upon the resignation or vacancy of the Junior Representative during an uncompleted term, the Senior Representative shall appoint a staff member as the Junior until the next election, at which time an election will be held for both the Senior Representative and Junior Representative.

Should the Senior, Past, and Junior Representative positions all become vacant at the same time, a special election will be held to fill all three positions. The Senior and/or Junior Chair of the Recognition and Elections Committee shall plan and conduct the special election within sixty days.

Upon the resignation or vacancy of a Senior Chair during an uncompleted term, the Junior Chair shall assume responsibilities for the rest of the term. If there is not a Junior Chair, the Senior Representative shall appoint a staff member as the Senior Chair until the next election, at which time both a Senior Chair and a Junior Chair shall be elected for that committee. Should a Junior Chair position become vacant during an uncompleted term, the Senior Representative and the Senior Chair of that committee shall appoint a staff member as the Junior Chair until the next election.

Creating Additional Standing Committees

Additional standing committees may be created with a with a majority vote from the Eastern Chapter Council. A new Senior Chair may be appointed by the Senior Representative. The Senior Chair will serve throughout the remaining year and the next year. A Junior Chair shall be elected at the next election.

Ad Hoc Committees

The Senior Representative shall create and appoint a Chair of ad hoc committees as the need arises. Each ad hoc committee shall be Chaired by an Eastern Chapter member, and ad hoc committees shall report to and act under the direction of the Eastern Chapter Council.

All SEA Eastern Chapter members are eligible for appointment to ad hoc committees, and committee members will be appointed by the Chair of the ad hoc committee. All ad hoc committees will end on 30 June each year, and the Chair and committee members can be reappointed by the new Senior Representative, if needed.

Removal from Office

To remove the Senior, Past, or Junior Representative from office, a petition must be presented to the Eastern Chapter Council alleging abuse or neglect and be signed by at least 15 staff members. The full Eastern Chapter Council must act to consider impeachment, and the Council possesses sole power of impeachment. The Senior Representative shall preside and assure the right of the accused to call witnesses on his/her behalf. In the event the Senior Representative is accused, the Junior Representative shall preside. If two-thirds of the Council vote for conviction, the council member in question shall stand convicted and shall be removed from office. The position then shall be declared vacant, and a replacement shall be sought according to appropriate procedures.

To remove any of the Senior or Junior Chairs from office, two-thirds of the full Eastern Chapter Council must vote for removal. The Senior Representative shall preside and assure the right of the accused to call witnesses on his/her behalf. A Senior or Junior Chair can be removed from office for the following and other reasons:

  • After three unexcused absences from Council meetings in any year of office as recorded in the minutes of such meetings.
  • After showing gross neglect of duty as determined by a due process resolution of the Council.

IV. Meetings


  • All Eastern Chapter general meetings and monthly Council meetings shall be open to all members. The Senior Representative can call special closed-door meetings at other times, if needed.
  • Meetings shall be conducted with dignity and decorum, and all in attendance shall act professionally. If needed, meetings can be run using Parliamentary procedures, according to Modern Rules of Order. Where there is a question about the procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority.
  • Members shall be notified of general and Council meeting dates, times, and locations via email or posted on the appropriate Eastern Chapter website.

General Meetings

A general meeting of all Eastern Chapter staff shall be called by the Senior Representative at least quarterly, and the meeting can be part of a social event. Information of general interests to all staff may be discussed at general meetings, as well as items needing approval or ratification by a simple majority vote of the Chapter members in attendance.

Council Meetings

Eastern Chapter Council meetings shall be held at least monthly during customary working hours, and the meeting shall be conducted by the Senior Representative or designee. All members of the Eastern Chapter can attend the regularly scheduled, monthly Council meeting. Additional Eastern Chapter Council meetings can be held, if needed, including closed door meetings, and the additional meetings can be called by the Senior Representative or designee. A quorum shall consist of those Council members, or designees, who are present at any official meeting, unless directed otherwise in the procedures. Reports to the Council from Senior Committee Chairs will be given at each Council meeting. Motions may be acted upon and passed by a simple majority of votes of those present. Any agenda items or presentations for discussion by the Council need to be delivered to the Executive Assistant and Treasurer for distribution with the agenda two days prior to the meeting.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall be called and conducted by the committee Senior Chair (or designee).

Additional/Special Meetings

Additional meetings of the Council may be called by the Senior Representative, the Senior President’s designee, or half of the Council members.


For an absence from a Council meeting to be considered excused, notification must be given to the Senior Representative or Executive Assistant and Treasurer prior to the meeting. The absentee member shall arrange with her/his Junior Chair or alternate committee member to attend the meeting in her/his behalf so that all committees have a representative in attendance.

V. Amendments

Amending or revising the Eastern Chapter Procedures shall be done as follows:

  • A written proposal for a change to the Procedures must be submitted by an Eastern Chapter member to the Eastern Chapter Council.
  • The Past Representative will review the suggested changes and make recommendations for changes to the Council.
  • The Council must approve substantive changes by a simple majority vote of the full Council.
  • Action by the Eastern Chapter Council to amend or revise the Procedures must be ratified by a simple majority vote of the Eastern Chapter members in attendance at a general meeting.
  • Changes to the Procedures become effective immediately.
  • The Senior Representative will ensure that a copy of the new procedures will be submitted to campus administration and posted on the appropriate website.

Non-substantive changes (changes that do not affect how the Eastern Chapter is run but improve the document) will be submitted to the Eastern Chapter Council. The Past Representative will review the non-substantive changes. Approval of non-substantive changes occurs by a simple majority vote of the full Eastern Chapter Council.

VI. Budget

The Eastern Chapter has a budget for their activities and travel, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Staff potluck(s)
  • Staff recognition
  • Wellness activities
  • Staff development
  • Other activities as determined by Eastern Chapter Council that benefit the staff of Eastern.

Last updated 03/29/2022