Aggies Think Care Act

Embracing civic responsibility, respect for diversity, and human dignity

Our goal at USU is to foster a caring community that elevates the academic experience for all Aggies, in an environment founded on respect. There is no place for discrimination and harassment here. Please use these resources if you need to find support or report an issue, or if you want to get involved in supporting inclusion and acceptance.

Get Involved
Help create an environment of acceptance, respect, and empowerment.

The Center for Community Engagement develops active citizens through community engagement and scholarship. They empower students to explore civic identity, develop leadership skills, and address community-identified needs, locally and around the world.

(435) 797-9681
Center for Community Engagement
TSC 318, Logan Campus

Report Issues

Report discrimination and harassment, or access supportive measures.

Your information is shared on a limited basis to provide supportive measures or to investigate a complaint.

(435) 797-1266
Office of Equity
Old Main 161, Logan Campus

Safety Concerns

Get help in an emergency or report a crime on campus.

Report a crime on campus, request a security escort, or get help identifying the local law enforcement agency you should report to. If you are in danger, call 911 immediately.

(435) 797-1939 (24/7/365)
Department of Public Safety
800 E 1250 N, Logan Campus