Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Health Across the Lifespan                                                                              A Bolder Way Forward Logo

The Health Across the Lifespan spoke is working to optimize the health and wellbeing of women and girls in Utah.  Our comprehensive approach considers mental and physical health as well as the importance of social and environmental factors.  Dividing work into eight sub-spokes and two working groups allows members with expertise and lived experience to identify the most pressing needs, prioritize the work, and ensure change. To learn more, check out the resource box below.

Spoke Leaders

Audrey Jiricko

Audrey Jiricko

Senior Medical Director, IH

Dr. Audrey Jiricko is an OB/GYN and Senior Medical Director for Women’s Health at Intermountain Health. She joined Intermountain Health in 2004 and is thrilled to work for an organization committed to comprehensive women’s healthcare and value-based care. 

Intermountain Healthcare

Stephanie Stokes

Stephanie Stokes

Community Health Manager, IH
LinkedIn Profile

Stephanie C. Stokes is the Community Health Manager for Primary Children’s Hospital, where she leads community assessments and strategies that aim to improve the health of families.

Erika Lindley

Erika Lindley

Admin. Director, U of U Health
LinkedIn Profile

Erika Lindley is the Administrative Director at University of Utah Healthcare, Women's and Children's, OBGYN School of Medicine. She has her MBA from Westminster College.

University of Utah Health

Sub-Spoke Leaders

This Health Across the Lifespan spoke is divided into eight sub spokes, each with co-leaders who are experts in their field. These include the following:

  • Access: Mike Woodruff, MD (Medical Director, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah)
  • Adolescent Health: Elizabeth Gerke, MPH (Adolescent Health Program Manager, Utah Department of Health) & Amy Mikkelsen, MPH, CHES (Primary Prevention Coordinator, Utah Department of Health)
  • Mental Health/Wellbeing: Michaelann Gardner (Senior Impact Director, United Way of Utah County) & Megan Willes, PhD (Licensed Psychologist, Mental Health Integration, Intermountain Health)
  • Older Adult/End of Life: Elizabeth Fauth & KoShell Miller (Business Operations Analyst, AARP)
  • Perimenopause/Middle Age: Camille Moreno, DO, NCMP (Medical Director, Midlife Women’s Health and Menopausal Medicine Program, University of Utah) & Lisa Taylor-Swanson, PhD, MAcOM, Lac (Asst. Professor, Health Systems & Community-Based Care, College of Nursing, University of Utah)
  • Prevention: Sheralee Petersen, PA-C (APP System Executive Clinical Director, Intermountain Health) & Brooke Drollinger, MD (Medical Director Population Health, Castell)
  • Reproductive Health: Sarah Elliott, MPH (Associate Director, ASCENT Center for Reproductive Health) & Jessica Sanders, PhD, MSPH (Family Planning Research Director, University of Utah)
  • Trauma Informed Care: Dani Howard, MHA (Clinical Operations Manager, Risk & Patient Safety Clinical Excellence, Intermountain Health) & William Cosgrove, MD (Retired Pediatrician)

Bold Vision & Goals

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Health Across the Lifespan spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below. 

Vision: To improve the health and wellbeing of all Utah girls and women across the lifespan by taking a comprehensive approach.


  1. Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas: [Metric Dashboard]
    1. It’s likely I will be able to schedule and complete a preventive healthcare visit in the next 12 months. [Increase women’s agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
    2. I feel empowered to make informed decisions regarding reproductive health that fit my needs and/or the needs of my family. [Increase women’s agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
    3. I am knowledgeable about perimenopause for women. [Increase women’s agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
    4. I feel physically, mentally, and emotionally safe in healthcare settings. [Increase women’s agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
    5. It is likely one of my healthcare providers will effectively screen me for intimate partner violence (and connect me with resources if needed) in the next year. [Increase women’s agreement by 10% by 2026 and 25% by 2030]
  2. Other bold goals will be added as each of eight subspokes work on goals for their areas of focus. These will be added in 2024.

Thriving Statement: Women thrive across their lifespan – pediatrics, reproductive years, mid-life, and older adult (60+) – when they understand and experience positive mental, physical, social/emotional, and environmental health.


Intermountain Health

Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah

University of Utah Health

Utah Department of Health & Human Services

The Children's Center Utah

Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

Working Group Leaders

 What You Can Do

people connected to document

Educate yourself and others on the health risks of unhealthy relationships and intimate partner violence. Share one resource on your social media channel weekly or with a friend or family member

calendar that says year

Encourage all women you know aged 40 or older to schedule an annual mammogram. Share the following resources: What to Know if You’re Nervous about Mammograms and Breast Health.

mother and daughter

Initiate candid conversations with girls and young women about issues that impact their health and wellbeing. These can include topics such as maturation, physical and mental health, body image, social media, disordered eating, and substance use disorder

Get Engaged:  Other ways to get engaged include reviewing our 8 sub-spokes and choose one to join; sharing a success you've had moving the needle in the right direction; and telling 5 of your friends about the work that's happening and encourage them to join. Thank you for your interest!

Amy Anderson

Amy Anderson

Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile