Home & Family 
While Utah is well-known for being a family-oriented state, more must be done to ensure that women and girls can thrive in all settings. Focused initiatives are necessary to nurture environments that promote healthy relationships and overall flourishing in homes and families. Key areas of emphasis include healthy and balanced relationships, unpaid domestic labor, unpaid care work, emotional work, communication, and women’s sexual wellness. By prioritizing and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by women and girls, Utah can create a thriving society for all. To learn more, check out the resource box below.
Spoke Leaders
Lisa Reeves
Community Advocate
LinkedIn Profile
Lisa Stoddard-Reeves is currently doing graduate work in religious studies with Harvard. She graduated from BYU in humanities/art history. She is interested in women's issues, healthy sexuality, mindfulness, peace studies and how power shapes our interactions and environment.

Tiffiney Christiansen
Board, UT Marriage Commission
LinkedIn Profile
Tiffiney Christiansen is a Board Member for the Utah Marriage Commission as she is committed to preserving and honoring marriage. Her professional career has been in marketing and sales; she is currently the Vice President of Sales at Leavitt Group.
JaLee Clarke
Community Advocate
LinkedIn Profile
JaLee Clarke has served in professional leadership roles with strategic initiatives, executives’ advisor, human resources, and advisor relations. She sits on the Board of Governors for Heritage Schools, a relationship-based, residential school for youth.
Bold Vision & Goals
To make Utah a place where more girls and women can flourish, the Home & Family spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below.
Vision: To ensure that all individuals in Utah are educated and equipped with the knowledge and skills to cultivate healthy relationships and balanced partnerships.
- Improve relationship skills and wellbeing for families by promoting resources for women through the Utah Marriage Commission, Healthy Relationships Utah, and other affiliated partners' websites, increasing website traffic by 5% annually [Metric Dashboard]
- Promote positive social norms toward shared responsibility (of domestic labor, care work, and emotional work) and women’s diverse family roles by publicly sharing 20 examples annually. [Metric Dashboard]
- Promote healthier and more balanced relationships within homes and families by facilitating workshops in collaboration with county coalitions, holding two in each county annually. [Metric Dashboard]
- Promote women’s knowledge and perceived agency regarding their sexual health and pleasure by facilitating or contributing to workshops, holding two annually. [Metric Dashboard]
- Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas: [Metric Dashboard]
- In conflicts, my partner and I have an equal opportunity to express our views and influence the outcome. [Increase women’s agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
- I feel the load of domestic labor is shared equitably within my home. [Increase women’s agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
- I feel the load of caregiving is shared equitably within my home. [Increase women’s agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
- In our relationship, I feel that my partner's sexual needs are more important than my own. [Decrease women's agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
Thriving Statement: Women and girls thrive when they can make tangible progress towards fostering healthy relationships and balanced partnerships, which ultimately promote the flourishing of women, girls and all individuals across the state.
Spoke Resources & Research:
- What Utahns Need to Know
- Informational Video
- Spoke Introduction Podcast
- Living Room Conversation Guide
- Research Summary
- Join Home & Family's Virtual Book Club
- Facebook Group
- ePREP – Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
- Smart Steps for Stepfamilies
- Home Run Parents
- Parenting the Love and Logic Way
- Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
- Stronger Marriage Connection Podcast with Dr. Dave & Dr. Liz
- UWLP New Research: Poverty & Homelessness and Home & Family
- Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live) by Eve Rodsky
- Fair Play Resources
- Persist: Task Scheduling App for Equitable Division of Labor (Paid)
Sub-Spoke Leaders
- Single Mothers: Emily Martin Prisbrey (Director of Development, The FORB Foundation)
Working Group Leaders
- Unpaid Labor: Alan Hawkins (Manager, Utah Marriage Commission)
- Moms with Littles: Stacy Goulding (Owner, Stacylyn Coaching)
- Healthy Relationships: Jeremy Boden
- Sexual Wellness: Rachel Arocho (Associate Professor of Family Science) & Dr. Chelom Leavitt (Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University)
What You Can Do
Encourage your local school administrators and staff to offer healthy relationship workshops for high school students. See the Resources section on this page.
Encourage couples and parents in your spheres of influence to participate in free research-based workshops on healthy relationships. Healthy Relationships Utah provides courses and other resources on couples/dating, stepfamilies, parents, and self improvement.
Learn and share information about balanced distribution of domestic labor, care work, and emotional work. For example, resources on this page can be shared with family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, religious leaders, and on social media.
Get Engaged: Ways to get engaged include becoming a member or leader of a working group, sharing Home and Family resources and events with us, partnering with our spoke, and signing up for our newsletter. We also welcome you to join our Virtual Book Club. Thank you for your interest!
Charlotte Williams
Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile