Bolder Way Forward for Utah

LGBTQ+ Impact Team

The LGBTQ+ Impact Team works to ensure that LGBTQ+ Utahns who identify as girls and women are considered, included and represented in all aspects of A Bolder Way Forward. We aim to support and empower BWF Spoke Leaders by providing resources and terminology to foster unbiased understanding. By using and disaggregating data to identify discrimination, we plan to assist with the development of inclusive initiatives to challenge disparities.


Rosa Bandeirinha

Rosa Bandeirinha

Organizer, QSAF
LinkedIn Profile

Rosa (pronoun indifferent) is a nonprofit communications professional and artist, who earned a masters degree in architecture from the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Rosa is an organizer of Queer Spectra Arts Festival, the only LGBTQ+ multidisciplinary arts festival in Utah. 

Queer Spectra Arts Festival


Anne Arendt

Anne Arendt

Organizer, Utah Valley University
LinkedIn Profile

Anne Arendt (she/her) is the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the Utah Valley University Smith College of Engineering and Technology. She has been an equality advocate for almost two decades in the institution and in the local community.

UVU Smith College of Engineering

Sara Urquhart

Sara Urquhart

Board Chair, Mama Dragons
LinkedIn Profile

Sara Urquhart (she/her) joined the Mama Dragons board in 2021. She graduated from BYU with a degree in Political Science and has spent over two decades sitting on and running non-profit boards, supporting her husband in his elected role, all while raising four children.
Mama Dragons

Bold Vision

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the LGBTQ+ Impact Team leaders, affiliates, and partners are currently working to craft a bold vision. The bold vision will help guide the 18 areas of focus as they develop their bold goals, measure outcomes, create dashboards, and create momentum for additional changes.

Thriving Statement: LGBTQ+ Utahns who identify as girls and women thrive when accepted for who they are and when included in conversations that impact safety, security, health, and wellbeing. Additionally, all Utahns jointly thrive when LGBTQ+ members of our communities are included and encouraged to contribute to dialogue and decisions collectively and cooperatively. 

For this movement to thrive, BWF accepts that the concept of identifying as a woman is complex, interconnected, and culturally adaptable. We believe that when individuals who identify as women or female prosper, everyone in the community benefits, so our efforts are inclusive of all such individuals. The richness of womanhood encompasses a vibrant spectrum of experiences and expressions that vary not only from culture to culture, but also from person to person, and is shaped by race, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, and other social factors.


Equality Utah

Mama Dragons

Queer Spectra Arts Festival

Flourish Therapy


UAF Legacy Health

Utah LGBTQ Chamber

UVU Smith College of Engineering

The Lift and Love Foundation



Get Engaged: Are you and/or your organization interested in being involved in the LGBTQ+ Impact Team? If so, contact Anne Arendt ( with details about you/your entity and the current or future efforts you believe are aligned with this work. Thank you for your interest!