Eliza LeFevre

YC Teacher

Eliza LeFevre

Contact Information

Email: elizalefevre5@gmail.com


My name is Eliza LeFevre, and I am a Sophomore at USU majoring in Piano Performance and Pedagogy, minoring in Business. I have been playing the piano for 17 years, and although it's never easy, I love it with every part of me. I've participated in many ensembles, including choirs and orchestras, and have competed in a few competitions. While I enjoy performing and competing, my true passion lies within collaboration with other musicians. There is no greater joy than creating something beautiful with others! As a teacher, I am looking to grow with my students, and I hope to show them that hard work really does pay off. I want to give them the skills they need to become a thoughtful and independent musician. I also want to help my students find their own love of music that will drive them to be their best. Technique and skill are essential, but I also like to focus on why music matters. By understanding what music is - and can be - to us, it will open the door to more passionate and hardworking people who play the piano because they love it, and not because they have to.