Land & Environment

Water Quality Task Force Requests Help from Small Acreage Owners

Bear River at the Bear River Wildlife Bird Refuge.

Utah Water Quality Task Force, a coalition of agencies, non-profit organizations and other experts, released a survey this week aimed at small acreage operations. Task force members request that those who own or manage a small acreage farm complete the survey to assess landowners’ current practices and knowledge with respect to water quality. Feedback from the survey will be used to tailor a statewide education campaign in the spring aimed at reducing nonpoint source pollution. This pollution travels via rainfall and runoff from farms and other properties to rivers, lakes and streams.  

“The best way for us to assess how to help Utahns is to hear directly from Utahns,” said Jim Bowcutt, Utah Nonpoint Source Management Program Manager.

Participants in the survey enter a chance to win a $200 gift card.  The survey can be found at

More information can be found at


Nancy Mesner
Water Quality Extension Specialist
Utah State University


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