Campus Life

Global Poverty Project Seeks Volunteers for Utah Initiative

Global Poverty Project is seeking interns and volunteers from Utah State University to help toward its goal of ending extreme poverty within one generation.

The non-profit organization recently launched the Global Citizen Campaign in the United States with a festival held at Central Park.

In trying to make 2013 its most successful year, the Global Poverty Project is teaming up with political, religion and business leaders throughout the state of Utah. The group is looking to partner with each university in the state to launch the Live Below the Line campaign. It will be an opportunity for universities to raise money while competing against each other with prizes on the line.

“I know that USU has some outstanding students that would make Utah an example to the philanthropy world,” said Alexa Ramsey, program coordinator for the state of Utah.

Volunteers can choose to apply for one of four different areas — Ambassador, In Kind Donations, Business Relations or Media Relations.

Students interested in participating can find more information online ( or by contacting Ramsey.

Contact: Alexa Ramsey, Utah program coordinator, Global Poverty Project, (918) 519-3528,

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