Land & Environment

Two Climate Seminars to be held on Campus

Two climate seminars are being brought to Utah State University by the Utah Climate Center in the Department of Plants, Soils and Climate. The sessions are June 21 and June 27 and both are open to the public.

In the first presentation, “Science and Sandy: Lessons Learned,” Kevin Werner, climate scientist for the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, will speak about the group’s utilization of scientific expertise following the devastating hurricane in 2012.

The task force, established by an executive order from President Obama, works to “ensure that the federal government continues to provide appropriate resources to support affected state, local and tribal communities to improve the region’s resilience, health and prosperity by building for the future.”

Werner’s presentation is held June 21 in the Agricultural Sciences building in room 141 and begins at 11 a.m. There will be a light reception following the presentation.

The second seminar is June 27 and begins at 11:30 a.m. with guest speaker Jin-Ho Yoon from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash. The topic, based on his research findings, is the trend of receding Arctic ice and its causes. The presentation is also held in room 141.

“There has been doubt that the melting of Arctic sea ice in the 20th century is due to natural climate cycles,” said Simon Wang, assistant director of the Utah Climate Center. “Dr. Yoon will bring state-of-the-art climate model results to point out the role of the ocean and human factors imposing upon the changing ocean circulations.”

Related links:

Utah Climate Center

USU Department of Plants, Soils and Climate

USU College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Contact: Simon Wang, 435-757-3121,

Kevin Werner is a guest speaker in a climate seminar at USU

Kevin Werner, climate scientist for the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, speaks in the first of two climate seminars at USU. His free presentation is Friday, June 21, 11 a.m., Agricultural Sciences building, room 141.

photo illustration, Arctic ice

Melting of Arctic sea ice is the topic of the second climate seminar at USU with a session Thursday, June 27, 11:30 a.m., Agricultural Sciences building, room 141.

Jin-Ho Yoon is a guest speaker at a climate seminar at USU

Jin-Ho Yoon from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash., is the guest lecturer. The presentation is based on his research findings that look at the trend of receding Arctic ice and its causes.

Comments and questions regarding this article may be directed to the contact person listed on this page.

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