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  • Idaho State Journal Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015

    Wildlife Science Professor is USU's 14th Carnegie Awardee

    A wildland resources professor at Utah State University-Uintah Basin has been named the 2015 Carnegie Professor of the Year for the state of Utah, the first professor from a USU regional campus to receive the honor. ... Rich Etchberger was presented the award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education during a ceremony Nov. 19 in Washington, D.C., USU announced in a news release this week. Sponsored by CASE and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Professor of the Year has the claim of being the only national program to recognize excellence in undergraduate teaching and mentoring. ... Mike Kuhns, head of the department of wildland resources, praised Etchberger for establishing the program in the Uintah Basin. ... “Since he started with us in 1995, he has made it possible for us to offer the entire wildlife science major to students who may not be able to leave the Uintah Basin to go to school at our main campus because of family or work obligations,” Kuhns said. “This makes them employable in professional positions in the Basin and elsewhere.” ... “Since he started with us in 1995, he has made it possible for us to offer the entire wildlife science major to students who may not be able to leave the Uintah Basin to go to school at our main campus because of family or work obligations,” Kuhns said. “This makes them employable in professional positions in the Basin and elsewhere.”

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