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  • Utah Public Radio Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2017

    'Science Unwrapped:' Sharing Science with the Community

    A group of scientists at Utah State University has developed a unique way to share their research with the community. Science Unwrapped is a program that teaches the public about science and how scientists learn to interact with the public. At the event, a diverse crowd of people, ranging from adults to small children, gathered in an auditorium at Utah State University to hear the first lecture in this fall's Science Unwrapped series. This week, USU Professor Johan du Toit spoke about living with large mammals. Nancy Huntly is director of the Ecology Center at USU. She said the College of Science started the program to share science with the community. ... “Science is one fundamental way about understanding the world," Huntly said. ... This fall, Science Unwrapped focuses on Ecology, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Utah State’s Ecology Center.

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