Land & Environment

USU Researchers Featured in BBC Video on Trees in Yosemite

Jim Lutz and graduate student Sara Germain of the Department of Wildland Resources in the S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources were featured in a BBC video on the life history of trees.  

Lutz and his colleagues have been studying the sprouting, growth and death of all of the trees specified sites in Yosemite National Park during the past several years.  The BBC visited the site 10 years ago and now have gone back to revisit specific trees.  

In the video Lutz and Germain demonstrate how individual trees die from a combination of effects. The recent fires, droughts and insect outbreaks all contributed to tree mortality.  

Lutz emphasizes that many years and many scientists working through decades of time will be needed to understand how forests work.  

What’s killing Yosemite’s trees?


Jim Lutz
Department of Wildland Resources

Traci Hillyard
Administrative Assistant
College of Science


Research 918stories Environment 278stories Plants 198stories Ecosystems 135stories Wildland 99stories Conservation 86stories

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