Land & Environment

Wildland Resources Research Featured in National Media

Utah State University researchers John Bissonette and Patricia Cramer were featured in a Dec. 30 article, “Survey aims to cut down roadkill,” in The Chicago Tribune, which was repeated in media outlets throughout the country. The pair recently completed a federally funded survey of highway wildlife crossings throughout North America in an effort to increase awareness of ways to prevent animal-vehicle collisions. Such collisions result in an average of 200 human deaths throughout the nation each year.

A professor in the College of Natural Resources’ Department of Wildland Resources, Bissonette is head of the U.S. Geological Survey Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at USU. Cramer is a research ecologist in Wildland Resources and the USGS research unit, as well as USU’s Utah Transportation Center.
Related links:
Patricia Cramer in tunnel for wildlife crossing

USU wildlife ecologist Patricia Cramer poses in a wildlife crossing under Highway 89 in Utah's Wellsville Canyon.

USU Wildland Resources researchers John Bissonette and Patricia Cramer

Wildland Resources researchers John Bissonette and Patricia Cramer were recently featured in national media.


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