Submit Your Videos for Captioning With 3Play Media

3Play Media is an online transcription service that can be used to easily caption your videos. It connects to your YouTube account, which allows it to upload captions directly to existing videos. Contact us to get setup with an account and take advantage of our USU discounted pricing.

Once you have an account, follow the directions below to order captioning services with 3Play Media.

Steps to Caption a Video in 3Play


Login to 3Play Media.

Begin by logging into 3Play Media here. If you don't have a 3Play login, reach out to for assistance. Switch to the Single Sign-on tab, and enter the organization URL

The 3Play Media login page with the tab Single-Sign on selected and the URL entered into the text field under organization URL.

You will be taken to the USU Microsoft SSO login page. Continue with your email, password, and authentication.

The USU SSO login menu to enter your email.


Click “Order Services".

This is located in the top left-hand corner of the screen:

3Play Menu with a red box surrounding the option "Order Services".


Select “Transcription and Captioning".

Red box around "Transcription and Captioning" option, indicating that it should be selected.


Select Turnaround Service Level.

Under the heading “Select Turnaround Service Level for Transcription and Captioning,” choose the desired option. “Extended” is the most cost-effective and generally recommended.

  1. Click “Next” (bottom right corner).

Multiple service levels showing the date it will be completed.
If you have any helpful information such as speaker names or other details, you can add that information to the "Add Order Instructions" to help make the captions more accurate.


Skip Optional Services.

This page offers additional optional services that we generally do not recommend. Click "Next". 


Add or Upload Files.

Before adding your media files, select the folder for the Index folder you would like to charge the costs to. You can also add a new Index number if needed:

Folder menu with Create New Folder selected and an index number as the label.

If needed, you can also add a short descriptor after the index number. Once you have set the folder, you can select your media files. Most of the time this will be through YouTube, which offers a round-trip integration to automatically add the caption files back to your videos when they are complete. However, you can also request captions for media from a link or your desktop:

Links indicate three locations where you can select videos from: your computer, links, YouTube, or Kaltura.

Clicking any of these options will open a box where you can search for and select one or multiple videos. When the desired videos are selected, click “Add Files.” This will close the window. Click “Next” to continue.

Note: For YouTube videos, there will sometimes be more than one channel listed in the left-side panel of the window. Make sure the correct channel is selected before searching for your videos. 

Review the Total Cost to Caption the Selected Videos.

Take a moment to make sure you selected the correct videos. If you would like to remove videos from the list, click “Back” and click the small red ‘x’ next to the appropriate videos.


If the List of Uploaded Videos Looks Correct, Click “Submit.” 

The videos are now submitted for captioning and will automatically be added to your YouTube videos when complete. You can set up your 3Play Media notifications to receive an email when the captioning process is complete.