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Geosciences Speaker Series: Graduate Student Progress Reports


Several Geosciences Grad students will present on their current research.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Guest Speaker: Dr. Julia Clark Director of NOMAD Science


Please come join CANRI for an interactive discussion, where Dr. Clark will introduce NOMAD Science, an interdisciplinary research based non-profit operating in Mongolia, and will detail the ways in which Utah State University faculty and students can actively get involved. Rooted in archaeology, but drawing from a wide variety of disciplines including ecology, biology, geology, and anthropology, NOMAD Science is at the nexus of field education, tourism, cultural and natural heritage preservation, and cutting edge research. In particular, this presentation will focus on creating dialogue around the challenges and benefits of pairing cultural and natural research programs in the Mongolian context and elsewhere.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Old Main |

Guest Speaker: Dr. Julia Clark


Please join CANRI for an interactive discussion, where Dr. Clark will introduce NOMAD Science, an interdisciplinary research based non-profit operating in Mongolia, and will detail the ways in which Utah State University faculty and students can actively get involved. Rooted in archaeology, but drawing from a wide variety of disciplines including ecology, biology, geology, and anthropology, NOMAD Science is at the nexus of field education, tourism, cultural and natural heritage preservation, and cutting edge research. In particular, this presentation will focus on creating dialogue around the challenges and benefits of pairing cultural and natural research programs in the Mongolian context and elsewhere.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Old Main |

Guest Speaker: Dr. Julia Clark Director of NOMAD Science


Please join CANRI for an interactive discussion, where Dr. Clark will introduce NOMAD Science, an interdisciplinary research based non-profit operating in Mongolia, and will detail the ways in which Utah State University faculty and students can actively get involved. Rooted in archaeology, but drawing from a wide variety of disciplines including ecology, biology, geology, and anthropology, NOMAD Science is at the nexus of field education, tourism, cultural and natural heritage preservation, and cutting edge research. In particular, this presentation will focus on creating dialogue around the challenges and benefits of pairing cultural and natural research programs in the Mongolian context and elsewhere.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Old Main |

LGBT+ 101 - SEA Development Seminar


Erika-Danielle Lindström (she/her) is a sociology doctoral student at Utah State University focusing on social inequality. She is also the Gender and Sexuality Coordinator for the USU Inclusion Center and her role is to support our LGBT+ and Ally community through advocacy, education, leadership, and community building events.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Biology Seminar Speaker Series: Dr. Kelsey Graham


Dr. Kelsey Graham from the USDA Bee Lab will be presenting "Bee Health in Agricultural Landscapes" in-person as well as on Zoom. Attend the seminar in-person in LSB 207 or on Zoom: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/83955459503?pwd=bXhoNCtLb1UzTy9zcEV1V3ByUzZodz09

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Life Sciences Building |




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