Interfolio Case Setup: Candidate Instructions

The following steps address how to add files to your case in Interfolio. Much of the text in this section is adopted from the Interfolio help guides at

Add Files To Your Case Packet

You can access your case at any time by going to (or and logging in with your A-number and password. To add files to your case packet, first open the desired packet and do the following:


Click Edit next to the section you want to add files to

Click the Edit button for any section to begin adding files.


Click Add next to the category of document you wish to add

Click the add button to add a file.


Navigate to the Add New File tab and click Browse To Upload

You can choose files you have already uploaded from the Choose Existing tab. After your first file has been uploaded, the choose existing tab will be the first to appear every time you go to add a file to your case. Switch to the Add New File tab to browse your computer for a file you haven't already uploaded.

  • To add Video, see the Adding Media Tutorial
  • To add a Webpage, select the Webpage tab and add your link along with a title and description to provide context. Do not include webpages as primary evidence, but only as supplemental resources

Click Browse to Upload files from your computer.


Upload your files and click Add

Click the Add button to add the new file.


Give the uploaded file time to convert

The new file appears in your case under the section you added it to. At first, it appears in gray text with a spinning icon indicating that it is being converted for viewing in the Interfolio reader. Once it is done converting the link will turn blue.

You don’t have to wait for the file to finish converting to continue adding new files. You can leave the page to do something else and it will continue converting.

The file link appears blue once it is converted.

Edit / Remove Files and Items

Once you've added files and items to a case, you can either edit or remove them to adjust your case as needed. To specifically make minor edits to the uploaded file you can do the following


Click Edit

Arrows pointing at edit and remove buttons.


Edit the title of the file or click Replace to choose a new file to replace it

Edit the title or replace the file.

Additional Help Resources

If you have additional questions or need further assistance, you may look to one or more of the following resources: