I (Phaedra Budy) am the Principle Investigator for this research lab and am the Unit Leader of the U.S. Geological Society, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit as well as a Professor of fisheries management and aquatic ecology in the Department of Watershed Sciences at Utah State University (USU). In that capacity, I help the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources meet their research needs, for more informed management of aquatic natural resources in Utah while, serving as a full member of the Watershed Sciences faculty.

In the fish ecology lab, we do research that fits into an overall framework of evaluating the factors that structure and limit fish populations in both lentic and lotic systems.
We work broadly in the conservation biology, invasion ecology, and food web dynamics of aquatic systems with an emphasis on fishes.
Our current research covers a wide geographical range including almost all of Utah (from the south of the state up to high elevation points in the Bear River drainage), Oregon and Washington and Alaska and includes many species of salmonids, imperiled native desert fishes (the "three species"), and numerous warm water lentic fishes.
We also dabble in stream restoration and large river management.
- Ph.D. - Aquatic Ecology. Utah State University, Logan, UT. 1996.
- B.S. - Limnology. University of California, Davis, CA. 1991.
- Phaedra’s Curriculum Vita
Phaedra Budy
USGS - Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Address: Department of Watershed Sciences
5210 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, Utah 84322-5210
Phone: (435) 797-7564
Fax: (435) 797-4025
Email: phaedra.budy@usu.edu