What's new in research
- Henry Fork’s Foundation’s Intern Program Adapts During Uncertain Times
By Zach Boyd, Conservation and Communications Intern - Effort Underway To Save Endangered Fish In Southern Utah
By John Hollenhorst, KSL TV | February 7, 2019
Current Primary Research Projects

Efficacy of conservation strategies for imperiled desert fishes of the Colorado River basin

2007 to present
Upper Colorado River Basin innovative and science-based desert tributaries restoration.

An exploration of the direct and indirect effects of climatic warming on arctic lake ecosystems

Adaptive management and monitoring of Lahontan cutthroat trout and tui chub Pyramid Lake, Nevada

Assessing fish habitat, productivity, and nutrient enrichment in the Henry’s Fork River Headwaters

Big moves by a little fish: characterizing movement patterns of the endangered rio grande silvery minnow in a fragmented river

The response of fish habitat and imperiled fishes to extreme geomorphic change in a historically degraded desert river

An empirically based simulation model to inform flow management for endangered species conservation
Research Projects Archives
- Efficacy of conservation actions for native fishes in tributaries of the Colorado River, Grand Canyon.
- Assessing the impact of nutrient enrichment in the Henry’s Fork River Headwaters.
- 2018-2020Ecological effects and fishery conservation implications of a quasi-natural fish barrier on the Lower San Juan River, Utah.
- Improving estimates of vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT-tag technology.
- Assessing the ecological implications of the altered flow and sediment regimes within the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, Texas.
- An exploration of the direct and indirect effects of climatic warming on arctic lake ecosystems.
- Trophic ecology and adaptive management of the aquatic ecosystem of Pyramid Lake, Nevada.
- Evaluating habitat-based niche requirements and potential recruitment bottlenecks for imperiled bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus).
- The abiotic and biotic controls of arctic lake food webs: a multifaceted approach to quantifying trophic structure and function.
- Understanding the effects of wildfire on fish populations and stream geomorphology in Twitchell Canyon.
- Development of a Science Based Restoration and Management Plan for the San Rafael River, UT: Integrating Data on Fish Distributions and Habitat Needs with Historical Analyses of Channel Change.
- Evaluating cutthroat trout performance and identifying limiting factors for the native fish community of Pyramid Lake.
- Investigating Predator Prey Interactions in Scofield Reservoir, UT.
- Weber River Metapopulation Structure and Source Sink Dynamics of Native Trout.
- Weber River Metapopulation Structure and Source Sink Dynamics of Native Trout.
- Evaluating fish growth and production potential across Ute Reservation reservoirs.
- A test of the biotic resistance hypothesis with native and exotic trout assemblages in stream ecosystems: towards a better understanding of native cutthroat trout restoration options.
- Bull trout survival and movement in the middle to lower Walla Walla River, Washington: Understanding the role of environmental stressors and signals.
- Bull trout population viability assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning.
- Logan River trout viability and long-term monitoring: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of Best Management Practices on ecological conditions in the Chalk Creek watershed, Utah.
- Effects of a changing physical template on the longitudinal distribution of brown trout in a mountain stream: implications for brown trout invasion success.