


USU General Scholarship Page

Utah State University provides hundreds of scholarship opportunities to admitted incoming students and current students. Students are encouraged to submit the USU General Scholarship Application. This application uses student information to match students to institutional and private scholarship opportunities. 

Find The Scholarship for You

Review specific scholarship details below, and begin your Aggie scholarship journey!

Calvin Black Memorial


three students in dorm

The Calvin Black Memorial Scholarships offer financial support to San Juan County residents attending one of Utah State University’s San Juan locations. These scholarships recognize students with a strong commitment to school and community leadership, academic achievement, and service. Open to current and recent high school graduates, GED recipients, and individuals seeking to advance their careers or enhance life skills, these scholarships aim to empower students across various stages of their educational journey.

Achievement Scholarship

Qualifying students are admitted to the USU system, enrolled at a USU San Juan County location, and are legal residents of San Juan County, Utah.

Applicants must have graduated from one of the following Utah high schools with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater:

  • Grand County
  • Monument Valley
  • Navajo Mountain
  • San Juan
  • Whitehorse
  • Monticello
This scholarship is ONLY open to incoming freshmen from high school only, and is available to new high school graduates.

Award Amounts

Award Amount varies per academic year and is available for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters each year.

Applicant Prerequisite

Applicants must submit the Calvin Black Achievement scholarship application to illustrate the following: school and community leadership and service, recognition, and participation in extra-curricular activities.

Career Enhancement Scholarship

Qualifying students are admitted to the USU system, enrolled at a USU San Juan County location, and are legal residents of San Juan County, Utah.

Applicants must submit the Calvin Black Career Enhancement scholarship application to illustrate the following: school and community leadership and service, career or life-enhancement potential, and previous employment experience.

New, Incoming USU Freshmen beginning their first year of college, and continuing students do not qualify for this scholarship.



Recipients must enroll for a minimum of 2 credits in the USU system.

Applicant Prerequisite

Applicants must have completed the 10th grade and are not currently a High School student. 

Concurrent Enrollment / Early College Scholarship

Qualifying students are admitted to the USU system as concurrent enrollment students or early college students, enrolled at a USU San Juan County location, and are legal residents of San Juan County, Utah.



Recipients must enroll for a minimum of 3 credits leading toward a standard college degree.

Applicant Prerequisite

Applicants must have completed the 10th grade and meet USU and state law eligibility, and must meet and maintain a minimum cumulative/overall GPA of 3.0.

General Scholarship

Qualifying students are admitted to the USU system, enrolled at a USU San Juan County location, and are legal residents of San Juan County, Utah.

This scholarship is only open to Concurrent Enrollment (CE) and Early Aggie students.

Recipient Requirements

Recipients must enroll for a minimum of 3 credits leading toward a standard college degree.

Applicant Prerequisite

Applicants must have completed high school requirements or passed the GED with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (or GED equivalent).

Native American Endowed


dancers monument valley

The Native American Endowed Scholarship

This endowment was established to support scholarships for Native American Utah State University students.

Qualifying students are residents of Utah who can provide evidence of membership in a federally recognized Native American tribe in financial need (as determined by FAFSA).

Preference is given to students attending a USU San Juan County location. However, if a San Juan County, UT, Native American student is seeking a degree or program that is not offered in Blanding but offered at another USU campus, this scholarship may support them.

Recipients are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Applicants shall be admitted USU system students.
  • Applicants shall provide evidence of membership in a federally recognized Native American Tribe.
  • Preference given to students attending a USU San Juan County, UT location.

The San Juan Navajo


dancers monument valley

The San Juan Navajo Scholarship

This scholarship is available at the USU Blanding campus. It is administed by the Utah Navajo Trust Fund, which collects applications, reviews them, selects recipients, and notifies USU of the recipients. Once USU is notified of the recipients, the Statewide Scholarship Team processes the award to the student's Banner account.

For more information and to apply for the scholarship, visit UNHRF.

For questions about your award and Banner account, contact the Statewide Scholarship Team at 435-613-5032 or email.

For all other questions, please refer to the link.

Award Amount Varies as determined by UNTF.

The White Mesa Ute


white mesa ruins

The White Mesa Ute Scholarship Endowment is designed to assist Ute Mountain Tribal members or direct relation to a member of White Mesa Ute Tribe (children) who are residents of the State of Utah residing in San Juan County in completing their educational goals.

USU Student Awards

Applicants shall be admitted USU system students and provide evidence of membership with White Mesa Ute Mountain Ute Tribe or direct relation to a member of White Mesa Ute Tribe (children).

The application is available in the USU General Scholarship Application, Scholarship Universe.

Adult Educational Opportunity Grants

The White Mesa Ute Scholarship at Utah State University (USU) Blanding may have additional funds available after USU White Mesa Ute students have received assistance to attend a USU campus. These remaining funds, through educational opportunity grants, may be used to support members of the Ute Mountain Ute tribe residing in San Juan County, Utah returning to their education through the Adult Basic Education program available through the local school district.

Community Educational Opportunity Stipends

The White Mesa Ute Scholarship at Utah State University (USU) Blanding may have additional funds available after USU White Mesa Ute students have received scholarship assistance to attend a USU campus. These remaining funds through educational opportunity stipends may be used to support programs focusing on fundamental learning skills, educational success, educational opportunities, and college preparation that directly impact members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe residing in San Juan County, Utah. 

Grant Requests and Stipend Requests will be reviewed by the White Mesa Ute Advisory Committee (consisting of two members from the Ute Mesa Ute Corporation Board of Directors and two USU Blanding faculty to staff) with final approval granted by the USU Blanding Associate Vice President. 

  • Requests are for students working to earn their High School Diploma or General Education Development (GED) test.
  • Requests must demonstrate development in fundamental learning skills, educational success, educational opportunities, or college preparation. 
  • Approved requests must provide a report including the following:
    • the name of each student served
    • the GPA of each student at the beginning and the end of each public school year
    • a detailed listing of all expenses
  • Requests will be considered in the order received as funding is available.
  • Requests will be reviewed every month.
  • Incomplete requests will NOT be considered.


Let's get connected, and we can help answer any and all questions you may have! You can contact the Blanding Campus below.

Call Us: 435-678-8159