Undergraduate Program Assessment Plan

Student Assessment

1. Student Learning Evaluation

Starting in the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of Geosciences implemented a direct assessment of geoscience-content learning with our undergraduate majors.  This pre- and post-program quiz partly utilizes questions from the community-based Geosciences Concept Inventory and from the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) practice exam, and it is correlated with the American Geosciences Institute’s (AGI) “The Future of Undergraduate Education”, 2021, Chapter 3.

2. Student Performance in Courses

The following table illustrates how our undergraduate geoscience learning objectives map to the assessment quiz. This assessment is given to geoscience majors at the start of their program, and again to graduating seniors at the end of the program. Aligning with these core concepts and skills, the Department of Geosciences at Utah State University has adopted the following Learning Objectives in our undergraduate degree programs:

Occurrences in Assessment AGI Core Concepts USU Geosciences Learning Objectives
4 1. Earth as a complex system Understand Earth as a dynamic system of physical, chemical, biological, and human processes connected through the cycling of matter and energy, which both affects and is affected by human activities.
10 2. Deep time Place important planet-forming and geologic-change events in a temporal framework, while comprehending the ecolution of tectonic, climatic, and biotic systems on Earth.
15 3. Surface processes Demonstarte an understanding of Earth surface processes, sedimentary systems, and geologice hazards as deciphered through deposits and landforms and focused on our region.
17 4. Earth materials Develop and utilize an understanding of diverse Earth materials as recorders of geologic processes through a working knowledge of their composition and origin.
10 5. Earth structure Describe and interpret the properties of Earth's interior and structural features, including processes that influence plate tectonics and geologic hazards of our region.
7 6. Hydrogeology & water science Explain the pathways, fluxes, and influence of water and other fluids at Earth's surface and in the subsurface.
4 7. Natural resources Infer and summarize the formation and distribution of geological natural resources as well as issues of their sustainable development.
6 8. Climate change Demonstrate an understanding of climate change over gelogic and present time, as well as human impacts on Earth systems.


Occurrences in Assessment AGI Core Skills USU Geosciences Learning Objectives
8 A. critical thinking
D. using scientific methods
F. teamwork
Build an understanding of, and model, how the enterprise of science works via inquiry, observation, verification, teamwork, and critical thinking.
1 B. communication
F. teamwork
Synthesize and communicate knowledge of gelogical concepts through written, oral, and graphical representation as individuals and in teams.
13 C. integrating information Acquire skills for the study and interpretation of gelogical materials, history, and features, such as understanding and creating maps, working with subsurface data, field and laboratory methods, and data reduction and analysis.
5 D. using scientific methods
E. quantitative skills
Apply principles of mathematics, chemistry, and physics, as well as computational tools, to the analysis and solution of geologic data and problems.

Earth Science Composite Teaching (ESCT) Major

Assessment of Earth Science Composit Teaching Major Learning Objectives is conducted in conjunction with the School of Teacher Education's assessment practices at USU.

Program Assessment

1. Pre- and Post-assessment of undergrad majors

Annual analysis of the results of the pre- and post-assessment of majors allows Geosciences to evaluate the learning successes of our majors. Trends in this assessment are evaluated annually, with changes to course content as the outcome. In addition, the assessment tool itself is reviewed bi-annually to verify relevance and correlation with learning outcomes.

2. Student Evaluations of Courses and Instructors

The standardized USU course evaluation form is conducted in all courses taught by Geosciences faculty to allow students to evaluate both the course and the instructor.

3. Survey of Graduating Seniors

In the past, the department hosted a "feed and feedback" reception for graduating students. Now, we rely on the fact that the College of Science conducts an online exit survey of all majors from each department in the college. In addition, every student applying for graduation in the College of Science is given a questionnaire to complete. These collectively provide information on general student satisfaction with the degree program, courses, faculty and facilities. This information is collected anonymously and then returned to the department in the summer following graduation.

4. Self Study and External Review

The Department of Geosciences periodically conducts a Regents-mandated self study and external review. The self study allows the faculty to reassess the program and its direction as well as its goals and objectives. The recommendations made by the external review team are used to modify and improve the program.

5. Advisory Board

In April 2003, the Department of Geosciences formed an advisory board that meets annually to provide input and advice on the evolution and strategic directions of the department. The advisory board consists of members drawn from a variety of professional backgrounds, largely alumni of the department, and non-alumni who have an interest in the department’s direction.