Faculty Success Information

Watermark Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) is a software program licensed by the University to serve as a database of faculty activity. Both faculty and administrators are able to generate reports from Faculty Success.

Utah State uses Watermark Faculty Success to organize and build reports on teaching, research, and services activities. This system enables you to keep track of your activity information just once so that many outputs can be prepared, such as annual activity reports, accreditation reports, and responses to requests for faculty-related data, rather than needing to continually ask you for the information. This enables us to communicate more effectively about faculty accomplishments. Annual reviews for tenured and tenure-track faculty rely upon the information input in Faculty Success.

Watermark Faculty Success Enhancements

Digital Measures has officially rebranded to Watermark Faculty Success (via 2021)

Expect to see content with the newly rebranded name. No action is required from users with this change.

Add/Edit Records: Reporting view enabled changes for Faculty and data entry users

Navigation within Self-Service reports has improved offering a "review-and-modify tool" within the same view.

Proxy Security Role

You may encounter cases where faculty hire assistants to enter the bulk of their activities into the system. In such cases you need to give that assistant access to manage data for that faculty member, but ensure that this person does not receive the ability to see hidden fields and edit read-only fields. To accomplish this you can give this person a Proxy security role. This role grants one user access to perform certain functions for another specific user. You can assign a user to the Proxy security role for as many users as needed.

Record Editor: Allow Maiden/Alternate Names to be Entered for Contributors

Faculty Success now supports the ability for people's names to change over time. When adding collaborators, users can now specify maiden or alternate names for each person.

Import Your Items: PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID and NIH Manuscript ID are Now Mapped

Three important publication identifiers - PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID and NIH Manuscript ID - can now be imported via PubMed and BibTeX Imports.

Search from Summary Screens

This exciting enhancement is now in place! Now you can quickly locate the records you need by entering search criteria into the new box on the summary screens in Activity Insight.

Enhancements to BibTeX Imports

We enhanced our BibTeX Imports feature to better handle BibTeX files that contain records with spaces or certain characters in their record keys that were tripping it up. These files will now work as expected.

College Admin Contacts

College Contact Name
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Terry Boharsik
Cooperative Extension Terry Boharsik
Caine College of the Arts Cheyanne Maughan
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Julia Westover
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services Amber Summers-Graham
College of Engineering Monte Larson
College of Humanities and Social Sciences Natalie Smoot
Quinney College of Natural Resources Wes James
University Libraries Trina Shelton
College of Science Traci Hillyard