Welcome to the Aggie Family!

USU Out-of-State All Online

New Student Orientation Consists of Four Modules

The four modules below cover everything you need to know and should know as a student starting at Utah State. These modules are structured to open at times when you should be thinking about or acting on their contents. Don’t worry, if you were admitted closer to the beginning of the semester you’ll be able to access everything you need. Pay attention to the modules as they will tell you how to access resources, register for classes, and inform you of your responsibilities as a student at USU.

Completion Required

Mission or Military Service
Students on a leave for mission or military service can catch up with all modules when they return, even if that is very close to the start of the semester. Parents and delegates who will be helping these students register for classes can go through the orientation, as needed.


Module 1: Pre-Registration

Opens February 5

Covers all the preparations you can start now. Learn how much USU will cost, how to set up housing, and how to do the FAFSA, among other things.


Module 2: Registration

Opens for Summer Semester students February 5, Fall Semester students March 17

Covers everything you need to know to select classes and register for them. Learn how your previously-earned credits apply at USU, know what classes you should take, and how to register yourself for classes.


Module 3: Aggie Orientation

Opens for Summer Semester students March 31, Fall Semester students June 9

Aggie Orientation covers all the preparations you need to make and policies important to your education.


Module 4: Pre-Semester

Opens for Summer Semester students April 21, Fall Semester students August 4

Covers all the last-minute details you need to know before the semester begins as well as all the things you need to know during your first semester. Learn essential campus safety information, mental health resources, and much more.