Breadth American Institutions (BAI)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester:
- APEC 1600 (BAI) - Natural Resources and American Economic Institutions (3)
- ECN 1500 (BAI) - Introduction to Economic Institutions, History, and Principles (3)
- HIST 1700 (BAI) - American History (3)
- HIST 2700 (BAI) - United States to 1877 (3)
- HIST 2710 (BAI) - United States 1877-Present (3)
- POLS 1100 (BAI) - United States Government and Politics (3)
- USU 1300 (BAI) - U.S. Institutions (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Macroeconomics Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP U.S. Government and Politics Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP U.S. History Test: Score of 3 or higher
- CLEP American Government Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP History of the United States I Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP History of the United States IIITest: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics Test: Score of 50 or higher
- IBO Economics Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO History Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- HONR 1300* (BAI) - U.S. Institutions (3)
Breadth Creative Arts (BCA)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester:
- ART 1010 (BCA) - Exploring Art (3)
- ART 1020 (BCA) - Drawing I (3) [majors only in Logan, available to all in Price]
- IAD 1750 (BCA) - Design in Everyday Living (3)
- LAEP 1030 (BCA) - Introduction to Landscape Architecture (3)
- MUSC 1010 (BCA) - Introduction to Music (3)
- MUSC 1100 (BCA) - Fundamentals of Music for Non-Music Majors (3)
- MUSC 1105* (BCA) - Fundamental for Music Majors (3)
- THEA 1000* (BCA) - Acting I: Introduction to Acting (3)
- THEA 1013 (BCA) - Understanding Theatre (3)
- THEA 1023 (BCA) - Introduction to Film (3)
- THEA 1033* (BCA) - Beginning Acting (3)
- THEA 1513* (BCA) - Stagecraft (3)
- USU 1330 (BCA) - Civilization: Creative Arts (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Studio Art Drawing Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Music Theory Test: Score of 3 or higher
- DSST Art of the Western World Test: Score of 400 or higher
- IBO Dance Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Dance Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Film Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Film Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Music Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Theatre Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Theatre Test: HIgher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Visual Arts Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Visual Arts Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- DANC 1010 (BCA) - Dance in Culture (3)
- HONR 1330* (BCA) - Civilization: Creative Arts (3)
- MUSC 1110* (BCA) - Music Theory I (3)
- MUSC 1195 (BCA) - Global Perspectives in Performance (3)
Breadth Humanities (BHU)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester:
- ANTH 1090 (BHU) - Introduction to Interfaith Leadership (3)
- ANTH 2210 (BHU) - Introduction to Folklore (3)
- ARTH 2710 (BHU) - Survey of Western Art: Prehistoric to Medieval (3)
- CMST 1020 (BHU) - Public Speaking (3)
- CMST 2110 (BHU) - Interpersonal Communication (3)
- ENGL 2050 (BHU) - Literature by Women (3) [Available on the Price Campus]
- ENGL 2140 (BHU) - Introduction to LGBTQ+ Literature
- ENGL 2210 (BHU) - Introduction to Folklore (3)
- ENGL 2220 (BHU) - Introduction to Fiction (3)
- ENGL 2230 (BHU) - Introduction to Film (3)
- ENGL 2250 (BHU) - Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
- ENGL 2300 (BHU) - Introduction to Shakespeare (3)
- ENGL 2350 (BHU) - Indigenous Voices (3)
- ENGL 2630 (BHU) - Introduction to American Studies (3)
- ENGL 2640 (BHU) - Race and Ethnicity in the United States (3)
- HIST 1100 (BHU) - European History to 1500 (3)
- HIST 1110 (BHU) - European History from 1500 (3)
- HIST 1500 (BHU) - Pre-Modern World (3)
- HIST 1510 (BHU) - The Modern World (3)
- HIST 2210 (BHU) - Introduction to Folklore (3)
- HONR 1320* (BHU) - Civilization: Humanities (3)
- LAEP 2300 (BHU) - History of Landscape Architecture (3)
- NAS 1010 (BHU) - Introduction to Native American Studies (3)
- PHIL 1000 (BHU) - Introduction to Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 1120 (BHU) - Social Ethics (3)
- PHIL 1320 (BHU) - The Good Life (3)
- PHIL 2400 (BHU) - Ethics (3)
- PHIL 2600 (BHU) - Introduction to Philosophy of Religions (3)
- POLS 2300 (BHU) - Introduction to Political Theory (3)
- RELS 1010 (BHU) - Introduction to Religious Studies (3)
- RELS 1090 (BHU) - Introduction to Interfaith Leadership (3)
- RELS 1680 (BHU) - Horses, Humans, and Gods (3)
- THEA 1713* (BHU) - Playscript Analysis (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Art History Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP English Literature Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP European History Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP World History Test: Score of 3 or higher
- CLEP American Literature Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP English Literature Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Western Civilization III 1648 to the Present Test: Score of 50 or higher
- IBO English A: Language & Literature Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO English A: Language & Literature Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO English A: Literature Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- ANTH 2011 (BHU) - Introduction to Peoples of the Southwest (3)
- ARTH 2720 (BHU) - Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to Post-Modern (3)
- ARTH 2730 (BHU) - Art of the African Diaspora (3)
- ENGL 2040 (BHU) - Introduction to Western American Literature (3)
- ENGL 2060 (BHU) - Reading Across Borders (3)
- ENGL 2070 (BHU) - Introduction to Digital Humanities (3)
- ENGL 2200 (BHU) - Understanding Literature (3) [Available on the Price Campus]
- ENGL 2240 (BHU) - Introduction to Poetry (3)
- ENGL 2330 (BHU) - Introduction to Children's Literature (3)
- OPDD 1750 (BHU) - History of Outdoor Products (3)
- PHIL 1250 (BHU) - Practical Logic (3)
- PHIL 1500 (BHU) - The Examined College Life: Education and Its Ends (3)
- RELS 1070 (BHU) - Religion, Violence, and Peace (3)
- USU 1320 (BHU) - Civilization: Humanities (3)
Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester:
- ADVS 1110 (BLS) - Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- ANTH 1020 (BLS) - Biological Anthropology (3)
- BIOL 1010 (BLS) - Biology and the Citizen (3)
- ENVS 1350 (BLS) - Introduction to Environmental Science (3)
- HEAL 1500 (BLS) - Anatomy and Physiology (3) [Available on the Eastern, Blanding, and Moab Campuses and Affiliated Sites]
- LAEP 1040 (BLS) - Introduction to Environmental Planning and Sustainable Development (3)
- NDFS 1020 (BLS) - Science and Application of Human Nutrition (3)
- PSC 1800 (BLS) - Introduction to Horticulture (3)
- USU 1350 (BLS) - Integrated Life Science (3)
- WILD 2200 (BLS) - Ecology of Our Changing World (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Biology Test: Score of 3 or higher
- CLEP Biology Test: Score of 50 or higher
- IBO Biology Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Biology Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- BIOL 1410 (BLS) - General Botany (3) [Available on the Eastern Campus]
- BIOL 1620* (BLS) - Biology II (3)
- HONR 1350* (BLS) - Integrated Life Science (3)
- WATS 1200 (BLS) - Biodiversity and Sustainability (3)
- WATS 2500 (BLS) - Introduction to Marine Biology (3)
Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester
- CHEM 1010 (BPS) - Introduction to Chemistry (3)
- CHEM 1110* (BPS) - General Chemistry I (4)
- CHEM 1220* (BPS) - Principles of Chemistry II (4)
- CS 1030 (BPS) - Foundations of Computer Science (3)
- GEO 1010 (BPS) - Introduction to Geology (3)
- GEO 1060 (BPS) - Introduction to Environmental Geoscience (3)
- GEO 1110 (BPS) - Physical Geology (3)
- GEO 1360 (BPS) - Planet Earth (3)
- GEOG 1000 (BPS) - Physical Geography (3)
- HONR 1360* (BPS) - Integrated Physical Science (3)
- NDFS 1010 (BPS) - Chocolate: Science, History, and Society
- PHYS 1010 (BPS) - Elementary Physics (3)
- PHYS 1040 (BPS) - Introductory Astronomy (3)
- PHYS 1080* (BPS) - Intelligent Life in the Universe (3)
- PHYS 1200 (BPS) - Introduction to Physics by Hands-on Exploration (4)
- PHYS 2210* (BPS) - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (4)
- PHYS 2220* (BPS) - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (4)
- PHYS 2310* (BPS) - Physics for Scientists I (4)
- PSC 2040 (BPS) - Aviation Weather (3)
- PSC 2700 (BPS) - Climate Change Impacts (3)
- TEE 2200 (BPS) - Aquaponic Systems (3)
- USU 1360 (BPS) - Integrated Physical Sciences (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Chemistry Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Computer Science Principles Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Physics 1 (Algebra-Based) Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Physics 2 (Algebra-Based) Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Physics C: Mechanics Test: Score of 3 or higher
- CLEP Chemistry Test: Score of 50 or higher
- DSST Astronomy Test: Score of 400 or higher
- DSST Introduction to Geology Test: Score of 400 or higher
- IBO Chemistry Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Computer Science Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Computer Science Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Physics Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Physics Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- CHEM 1120* (BPS) - General Chemistry II (4)
- GEO 1380 (BPS) - Where Science and Society Meet (3)
- PHYS 1020* (BPS) - Energy (3)
- PHYS 1100 (BPS) - Great Ideas in Physics (3)
- PHYS 1800* (BPS) - Physics of Technology (4)
- PHYS 2120* (BPS) - General Physics - Life Sciences II (4)
- PHYS 2320* (BPS) - Physics for Scientists II (4)
- PSC 2000 (BPS) - The Atmosphere and Weather (3)
- PSC 2010 (BPS) - Soils, Waters, and the Environment (3)
Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)
The following courses are offered the upcoming semester:
- ANTH 1010 (BSS) - Cultural Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 1030 (BSS) - World Archaeology (3)
- ANTH 2018 (BSS) - Native American History and Culture (3) [Available on the Blanding Campus]
- ASTE 2900 (BSS) - Food Matters: Ethics, Economics, and the Environment (3)
- BUSN 1010 (BSS) - Business Principles (3)
- CJ 1010 (BSS) - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
- CMST 1330 (BSS) - Introduction to Global Communication (3)
- ECN 2010* (BSS) - Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
- ENVS 2340 (BSS) - Natural Resources and Society (3)
- FCSE 1350 (BSS) - Financial Literacy (3)
- FIN 1010 (BSS) - Personal Finance and Economic Decision Making (3)
- GEOG 1300 (BSS) - World Regional Geography (3)
- GEOG 2340 (BSS) - Environment, Natural Resources, and Society (3)
- HDFS 1010 (BSS) - Balancing Work and Family (3)
- HDFS 1500 (BSS) - Human Development Across the Lifespan (3)
- HDFS 2100 (BSS) - Family Resource Management (3)
- HDFS 2400 (BSS) - Marriage and Family Relationships (3)
- HEP 1500 (BSS) - Global Health: Disparities, Determinants, Strategies and Outcomes (3)
- HIST 2018 (BSS) - Native American History and Culture (3) [Available on the Blanding Campus]
- IELI 2470* (BSS) - Cross-Cultural Perspectives (4)
- IELI 2475 (BSS) - Cross-Cultural Explorations (3)
- IGS 1010 (BSS) - Introduction to Intersectional Gender Studies (3)
- JCOM 1500 (BSS) - Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
- JCOM 2010* (BSS) - Media Literacy (3)
- POLS 2100 (BSS) - Introduction to International Relations (3)
- POLS 2200 (BSS) - Comparative Politics (3)
- PSY 1010 (BSS) - General Psychology (3)
- RAM 1500 (BSS) - Leisure and Human Behavior (3)
- REH 1010 (BSS) - Disability and Society (3)
- SOC 1010 (BSS) - Introductory Sociology (3)
- SOC 1020 (BSS) - Social Problems (3)
- SOC 2370 (BSS) - Sociology of Gender (3)
- SOC 2630 (BSS) - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (3)
- SPED 1010 (BSS) - Disability and Society (3)
- SW 1010 (BSS) - Introduction to Social Welfare (3)
The following exams also satisfy this requirement:
- AP Government and Politics (Comparative) Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Human Geography Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Microeconomics Test: Score of 3 or higher
- AP Psychology Test: Score of 3 or higher
- CLEP Introductory Psychology Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Introductory Sociology Test: Score of 50 or higher
- CLEP Principles of Microeconomics Test: Score of 50 or higher
- DSST General Anthropology Test: Score of 400 or higher
- DSST Introduction to Geography Test: Score of 400 or higher
- IBO Economics Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Geography Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Geography Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Psychology Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Psychology Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Social and Cultural Anthropology Test: Standard-level Score of 5 or higher
- IBO Social and Cultural Anthropology Test: Higher-level Score of 5 or higher
The following courses satisfy this requirement, but are not offered Fall 2025:
- ANTH 2010 (BSS) - Peoples of the Contemporary World (3)
- ANTH 2030 (BSS) - Principles of Archaeology
- APEC 1400 (BSS) - Introduction to Agriculture Policy (3)
- APEC 2010* (BSS) - Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
- GEOG 1400 (BSS) - Human Geography (3)
- HDFS 2450 (BSS) - Consumer and Family Economic Issues (3)
- HONR 1340* (BSS) - Social Systems and Issues (3)
- LANG 2100 (BSS) - Languages in Global and Historical Context (3)
- LING 2100 (BSS) - Languages in Global and Historical Context (3)
- POLS 1010 (BSS) - Introduction to Political Science (3)
- POLS 2400 (BSS) - Introduction to Geopolitics (3)
- POLS 2500 (BSS) - Introduction to International Studies (3)
- SOC 2650 (BSS) - Globalization and International Development (3)
- USU 1340 (BSS) - Social Systems and Issues (3)