From the Dean

College of Science Interim Dean Michelle Baker. Photo courtesy of Donna Barry

From the Spring 2021 Edition of Discovery

Dear Alumni and Friends,

On January 1 of this year, I assumed leadership as interim dean of the College of Science, following Dean Maura Hagan’s retirement. At USU Provost Frank Galey’s request, I agreed to extend my service as interim dean through 2022, as the university searches for the college’s next dean.

Serving the college in this capacity has been a rewarding experience, even during a challenging pandemic year. I am indebted to our faculty, staff and students, who’ve risen to the challenge and displayed remarkable resilience. I look forward to continued service as we work toward the college’s mission of teaching, research, outreach and service.

Each summer, as new Aggies begin arriving for orientation and preparation for the new academic year, new game day T-shirts appear in the campus store, emblazoned with a new theme to urge Aggies to victory. I was immediately struck by this year’s theme, which could not be more appropriate for bringing us together after weathering a difficult year: “Aggie Family. We Fight as One.”

We are indeed a family and we pull together in adversity. In this issue of Discovery, you’ll read about Aggies who’ve overcome challenges, with the help of families, mentors, fellow students, alumni and donors. Our community spirit – our spirit as an Aggie Family – is a resonating theme in our college stories.

Interim Dean, USU College of Science

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