Oscar Wood Cooley Scholarship

Established in 1989

In June of 1989 Mrs. LaVell Cooley established the Oscar Wood Cooley Scholarship Endowment in Science with a gift of $25,000. This gift is made to honor the memory of Oscar Wood Cooley, father-in-law of Mrs. LaVell Cooley, and to encourage and assist deserving students in science. 

The scholarship will be awarded annually to an outstanding and deserving junior or senior student who is studying some field of science within Utah State University’s College of Science. Recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Committee of the College of Science. Once the recipients have graduated and are in a position to do so, they are encouraged to repay the funds to assist other deserving students. 

All College of Science scholarships and scholarships for the Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Mathematics and Statistics Departments can be reviewed and applied for via https://usu.awardspring.com/. See the department webpages for other department-specific scholarships.