Business & Society

Grazia Xiong Named to Richard C. Stratford Professorship for Emerging Scholars

Grazia Xiong.

LOGAN, Utah — The Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University has announced Grazia Xiong as the recipient of the Richard C. Stratford Professorship for Emerging Scholars.

This honor, established to recognize emerging academic talent in the School of Accountancy, reflects Xiong's remarkable contributions to the field of managerial accounting and her dedication to inspiring and mentoring students.

Xiong's professorship began on Jan. 1, 2025, and will run through June 30, 2028. This recognition honors her transformative impact on the Huntsman School through her research, academic rigor and unwavering commitment to student success.

"Dr. Xiong exemplifies the Huntsman School motto to 'Dare Mighty Things,'” said Chris Skousen, Department Head of the School of Accountancy. “Her cutting-edge work in managerial accounting, combined with her ability to challenge and inspire students, represents exactly the kind of emerging scholar we aim to support and recognize. In addition to being an emerging scholar, she is an outstanding lecturer and mentor to our students."

Douglas D. Anderson, dean of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, echoed these sentiments: "We are delighted to name Dr. Grazia Xiong as the Richard C. Stratford Professor for Emerging Scholars. Her transformative impact through both academic rigor and dedication to student success has strengthened the Huntsman School. Dr. Xiong's energy and passion for her students and research are unmistakable. We are excited to support her continued contributions to our academic community."

The professorship honors the legacy of Richard C. Stratford, an alumnus of Utah State University’s Class of 1928. Stratford’s distinguished career as a business leader was marked by integrity, vision and a commitment to education. As partner-in-charge of Touche Ross & Co.’s Los Angeles office, he made significant contributions to the accounting profession and his community. His dedication to fostering the next generation of accounting professionals lives on through this endowed professorship.

Xiong’s work in managerial accounting research and her ability to inspire future business leaders epitomize the qualities this professorship seeks to honor.


Megan Bowen
Director of Marketing
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business


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