What Male Allies Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Women in Workplace Settings

Utah is full of engaged, passionate individuals who frequently ask the question, “What can I personally and/ or professionally do to strengthen the impact of Utah girls and women?” To provide specific answers to that question, the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) hosted a series of “think tank” gatherings to collect best practices for various stakeholders interested in supporting and empowering Utah girls and women. This idea sheet is based on a 2018 gathering of 25 professional men at various stages in their careers, all of whom have committed to supporting and advancing women professionally. Understanding that male engagement is critical in reducing workplace gender imbalances, these suggestions focus on what men can do in professional settings to create awareness, rethink systems, build capacity (in both women and men), foster developmental relationships, and advocate for necessary cultural change.


Male allies recognize that in order to move the needle for women in the workplace, companies must first identify current gaps and raise awareness of critical issues. Men can encourage their companies to:

  • Conduct internal audits to assess overall gender balance, percentage of women in leadership positions, and existing gender pay inequities.
  • Show commitment to change by taking the Elevate Her Challenge, Parity Pledge, or similar public steps that spotlight important issues.
  • Hold town hall meetings and create additional opportunities for women and men to share concerns (publicly or anonymously). Ensure issues are openly acknowledged and addressed so employees will continue to give feedback.

Systems & Processes

Existing policies may be contributing to workplace inequality. However, a careful analysis of current systems, along with the thoughtful use of technology and up-to-date best practices, can reduce bias and support women’s advancement. Male allies can influence processes at their companies as they:

  • Advocate for better recruiting practices
  • Establish fair and inclusive policies surrounding pay, benefits, and advancement
  • Adopt gender-informed best practices for meetings, communication, and workspaces

Capacity Building

Male allies can strengthen their female colleagues through encouraging stretch projects. They can:

  • Ensure women have professional development opportunities, including technical training, higher education, and career-building instruction in topics like negotiation and networking.
  • Encourage women to seek opportunities for challenging assignments, promotions, speaking/ presenting at conferences, and board service.
  • Partner with women’s professional groups to network and provide training and development.
  • Support women as they discover their own diverse and unique leadership style.

Developmental Relationships

One of the most effective ways male allies can empower women is through developmental relationships. Men at any career stage can:

  • Be willing to be the first follower when they see a woman who is ready to lead.
  • Use their networks, influence, and power to sponsor women for new opportunities.
  • Commit to mentoring women in meaningful ways: eliminating personal assumptions, seeking to understand challenges and opportunities, and supporting with long term planning and goals. 

Cultural Change

Negative cultural factors must be reduced if widespread change is to occur. Male allies can:

  • Establish a “tone from the top” that is firmly committed to supporting and advancing women.
  • Create a male allies group where men can explore ideas and learn how to support colleagues.
  • Engage in community activities that encourage girls and young women to explore all available opportunities, sponsor and support programs focused on personal and educational growth, and persuade young women to reframe what is possible.

To learn more about What Male Allies Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Women read the entire brief.

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