April 2024 Newsletter


Good morning! I have a number of Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) announcements for April:

First, we have two important events coming up:

  • Utahns’ Perceptions of the Challenges Facing Women and Girls” (webinar, RSVP online, April 18, 12:00-1:15pm). I will share insights about the fall survey study results as a whole and many BWF spoke leaders will share brief insights about the findings related to their specific spokes (area of focus).
  • A Bolder Way Forward 2nd Annual Summit” (June 6, 9:00am-2:00pm, Zions Technology Campus). Join us for this important annual gathering of people committed to engaging in making Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive!

Second, we are pleased to announce the release of three new research summaries: Health Across the Lifespan, Entrepreneurship, and Finance. In partnership with A Bolder Way Forward (BWF) leaders, the UWLP conducted a fall statewide survey to establish a baseline of public perceptions related to the awareness, understanding, and attitudes around challenges that Utah women and girls face. To learn more about the study, review this document (Background & Methods) and check out the others already published.

Third, we have a few resources to highlight this month:

Fourth, the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, the Cox-Henderson Administration, and the UWLP partnered on the initiative titled “100 Companies Championing Women in Utah.” We have now opened nominations for an additional 100 companies to be recognized in a 2024 cohort. If your organization (e.g., company, nonprofit, university) does great things to champion women in Utah, we invite you to submit a nomination: https://inutah.org/100-companies/.

Fifth, here are some of our partners’ upcoming events (check out our community calendar for all events in Utah for girls and women):

Finally, check out some key articles and media published this past month:

Learn more about A Bolder Way Forward with this video and join the BWF newsletter here. Join us on the UWLP social media platforms: LinkedInFacebookX (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and YouTube.

Email uwlp@usu.edu to let us know you want to receive these updates to your own inbox if you received a forwarded email.

Enjoy April!


Prof./Dr. Susan R. Madsen
Inaugural Karen Haight Huntsman Endowed Professor of Leadership
Director, Utah Women & Leadership Project
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Utah State University
Phone: 435-797-0873
Web: utwomen.org
Email: susan.madsen@usu.edu

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