Veterans Resource Office

Support from Service to Graduation

Our Services

We want our Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) to thrive and succeed at Utah State University. Our mission is to foster a community of support for our SMVF students, both in and out of the classroom.

Benefits Assistance

Support Services

Our Mission

The Veterans Resource Office (VRO) provides Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) with the highest level of support as they pursue their academic, career, and personal goals at Utah State University. Through assistance, education, outreach, and peer support, we provide access to available resources on campus, through federal and state Veterans Affairs programs, and in the community.

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Our People

Makayla Woods

Makayla Woods from Kaysville, UT has learned to appreciate all cultures and people through her family's service in the Army and Air Force

Elmer Reyes Ron

Elmer Reyes Ron is a Marine Corps Veteran from Salinas California who has used the VRO to make connections with fellow veterans

Michael Reid Bonsall

Michael Reid Bonsall is an Army Veteran from Charlotte, NC who enjoys the wide range of ages/experiences he gets to interact with in the VRO

Akima Clark

Akima Clark from Cedar City UT says that at the VRO she has found friends that will talk to you about almost anything.

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.