By Andy Allen | April 1, 2024

VRO Growth and Improvements

During the ‘22-’23 academic year, the VRO saw much growth in the number of students using our space daily. Before then, on average, 20 -30 students would utilize the VRO weekly as a primary place of study. But during that academic year the numbers grew dramatically to over 35 students daily. VRO staff attribute this growth to the continued upgrades and improvements they made by creating a USO-style space, resourcing it with video games and board games, cable television, free snacks, new furniture, tabletop whiteboards, and other amenities. The students greatly appreciated these upgrades.

During the ’23-’24 academic year, growth has doubled again. On average, 65 students visit the VRO daily. VRO staff attribute this continued growth to the phenomenal efforts of the VRO’s Student Veterans of America (SVA) club. Under the dynamic leadership of SVA President, Chris Whiddon, the SVA has hosted a Halloween party, Thanksgiving “Friendsgiving” party, Christmas party, Superbowl party, free lunches to VRO students, ski trips, and other camaraderie building events for student-Veterans and their family members.

The VRO is excited to welcome new students to its organization and promises to continue to provide them with top-tier support during their tenure at Utah State University.

Lunch with DRC
Lunch tmobile
Old Layout
End of Finals
Lunch DEI VP
Meeting SVA