December 19, 2022
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Andrew Hamlin

Andrew Hamlin is from West Jordan UT. He is a son of a Veteran who served in the Army and shared these thoughts on the impact he experienced through his father's service.

What is the most positive/useful life lesson you learned from being a military child?
Most of my life, the lesson of perseverance has been there from my Dad (former Army infantry). The concept that no matter how much life kicks you down, you can always get back up, and no matter where you go, you can always find someone there to help if needed. Going off of that, I've also learned that it's okay to be open with your emotions and life struggles. We've all been there and in a community like the Military/Veteran community, you have to be there for each other. It may not always be the family you want (what family is?), but it's what you have and that's enough. Frankly, I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's kind of a generic lesson and sentiment, but it rings true for me.
Growing up as an army brat, the most important lessons I learned, through my personal experiences and my dad's guidance, were how to persevere through hardship.

Where is the most interesting/exotic place you have lived?
San Diego, California (that's about it. I've lived in Utah for the majority of my life).

How has the VRO improved your experience at USU and/or helped you as a student?
It has really given me a sense of belonging. I've made a lot more friends with similar backgrounds to mine. Especially since being hired on as a work study and since we've moved to a much bigger office in the TSC. There's amazing people coming in and hanging out every day. There's kind of a stereotype that Veterans and Active Military aren't approachable. That they're cut off and don't emote much. That couldn't be further from the truth. Every single Veteran, Dependent and Active Military member are the kind of people who would give you the shirts off their backs without even knowing your name.

Major at USU:
Integrated Studies (soon going into the MHR Graduate Program)

Favorite thing about being a Aggie:
My favorite thing about being an Aggie is that they give Veterans, their Dependents and Active Military a very large platform. The school takes good care of us. The way veterans are treated in society has been a very hot-button issue since the end of the Vietnam War (and arguably Korean War). This is where USU is the exception to me. They give us chances to really get after what we need. They take the time to hire on good staff for the VRO that know what they're doing. That is my favorite thing about being an Aggie.