December 19, 2022
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Emily Anne Hugie

Emily Anne Hugie is from Logan UT. She is a Veteran who served in the Navy and shared these thoughts on her service.

What is the most positive/useful life lesson you learned from your time in the military?
Teamwork: My unit was always watching out for each other, helping one another with anything we could. It bonded us together and gave us a community to rely on for support in anything that came up. I miss the level of comradery that came from this and being deployed together.

Major at USU:
Wildlife Ecology and Management with Biology Minor

How has the VRO improved your experience at USU and/or helped you as a student?
The VRO has given me a great place to study and socialize with other people that have had similar experiences to me. It has helped me find friends and a small group within the university community to connect with and rely on for support.

What's your favorite thing about being an Aggie, and why?
I like being an Aggie because with USU in my hometown, I have my family nearby to help me get through school.