Kinesiology - BS

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services

About This Degree

The kinesiology degree at USU provides three different options for students who wish to pursue careers in exercise science, physical therapy, or physical education.

Many graduates from the program are accepted into advanced degree programs in physical and occupational therapy or are admitted to medical schools.

What You Will Learn

In all of these areas, students study the psychological, neurophysiological, and biomechanical/biophysical aspects of human movement. Through mentoring, students are given the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research. The department collaborates with state health programs, parks and recreation programs, and local and regional school districts to provide students with opportunities for hands-on experience and professional training.


Exercise Science:

The exercise science emphasis is science-based and focuses on the integration of anatomical, psychological, biomechanical, and physiological principles related to human movement, exercise, and rehabilitation. Many students complete the exercise science emphasis in order to build a strong foundation prior to pursuing graduate study in exercise science fields or health professions, such as medical school, dentistry, or chiropractics.

Physical Education Teaching:

This emphasis prepares students to teach or coach physical education activities in grades K-12.

Pre-Physical Therapy:

The pre-physical therapy emphasis is designed to prepare students to enter into a graduate degree program in physical therapy. Physical therapists help people who have limited abilities to move and perform functional activities. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, private practices, outpatient clinics, home health agencies, schools, sport and fitness facilities, work settings, and nursing homes.

Education Component

This is for the physical education teaching emphasis only. As part of the major requirements, students in the physical education teaching emphasis take courses that qualify them for licensure at the elementary level. In order to obtain a secondary teaching license for grades 6-12, students must complete the 35-credit Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), which includes one semester of student teaching in a public school. This program is administered by USU’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) within the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Student must apply to the School of TEAL the semester before taking STEP courses. This is usually the fall of their junior year. Students learn subject content through the HPER Department, and spend the last year or two studying education techniques through the STEP program.

Students in the physical education teaching program are required to select an approved teaching minor in order to expand their career options.

Career And Outcomes

Career Opportunities

With a degree in kinesiology, students may pursue the following careers:

Exercise Science Emphasis

This emphasis prepares students for the following careers, in addition to being an excellent pre-medical major:

  • Private and corporate fitness
  • Personal trainer
  • Rehabilitation
  • Fitness instruction
  • Strength and conditioning specialist
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Manager of an exercise facility

Physical Education Teaching Emphasis

  • Elementary and secondary physical education teacher
  • High school/college sports coach/manager
  • Youth and sport camp director
  • Sports management and marketing
  • Professional referee, official, umpire

Pre-Physical Therapy Emphasis

The pre-physical therapy emphasis prepares students to enter into a graduate program, after which, they will be qualified for the following positions:

  • Physical therapy
  • Physical therapy assistant
  • Physician’s assistant
  • Occupational therapy
  • Chiropractics

Job Outlook



We will build on your goals and experiences while working together to design an individualized semester-by-semester plan. Your personalized plan will help you see a path from where you are now on to graduation. Even if you are unsure of the major you would like to pursue, we can help with resources and ideas.

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Admission Requirements

In addition to Utah State University’s admissions requirements, the kinesiology program has additional requirements:

Pre-Physical Therapy Emphasis:

  • First-Year students: First-Year students admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission as kinesiology majors.
  • Transfer Students: Students transferring from other institutions need a 3.0 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science. Students transferring from other USU majors need a 3.0 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science.

Physical Education Teaching Emphasis:

  • First-Year students: First-Year students admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission as kinesiology majors.
  • Transfer Students: Students transferring from other institutions need a 2.75 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science. Students transferring from other USU majors need a 2.75 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science.
  • STEP Requirements: In order to be accepted into STEP, students must go through an application process, which includes the following:
    • Complete 60 semester credits with a minimum GPA of 2.75
    • Complete certain core courses (see department for more information)
    • Complete a speech and hearing test
    • Pass the Teacher Education Writing Exam
    • Provide an unofficial copy of  your transcript
    • Pass a criminal background check (this should be done one semester before submitting the application)

Exercise Science Emphasis:

  • First-Year students: First-Year students admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission as kinesiology majors.
  • Transfer Students: Students transferring from other institutions need a 2.75 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science. Students transferring from other USU majors need a 2.75 total GPA to qualify for admission as kinesiology major with an emphasis in exercise science.


International students have additional admissions requirements.

Take The Next Step

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