
USU Biology

Learn. Discover. Grow.


Recent News

Fall Student Research Symposium

71 Undergraduate students, mentored by faculty and graduate students, presented research and internship posters. Rachel Tong, mentored by Dr. Sara Freeman, also gave an oral presentation on Evaluating the Stress System of the Grieving Brain: Quantificatio...

Biology Seminars

LOCATION CHANGE - Seminars are now in BNR 314

Social hour will remain in LSB 3rd floor atrium

31 Jan
Playing with Poison: Diet and Microbiome  Specialization in Toxin Feeding Rodents
Dr. Sara Weinstein
Utah State University; Biology Department

Speaker presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM

7 Feb

Decoding Pain: Tracing the Enkephalin Pathways in the Brain
Callie Newson
Utah State University; Biology Department

Bringing Balance to the Treatment of Pain: A New Hope
Max McDermott
Utah State University; Biology Department

Speakers presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM
*Social hour; LSB 3rd floor atrium: 10:30 AM

14 Feb
What determines the distribution and diversity of specialist herbivores on oaks? 
Dr. Ian Pearse
Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center

Speaker presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM