Let’s rename the ‘Mormon cricket,’ says Utah lawmaker.
The Anabrus simplex doesn’t know it is the subject of new legislation. Neither does the insect know that some consider its name a “victory for Satan.”
Biology Seminars
14 Feb
What determines the distribution and diversity of specialist herbivores on oaks?
Dr. Ian Pearse
Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center
Speaker presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM
21 Feb
Trematodes and nematodes and isopods, oh my! Parasite ecology in coastal North Carolina
Dr. Julia Buck
University of North Carolina
Speaker presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM
28 Feb
Drought Stress and Diet Breadth: How Increasing Levels of Drought Stress Impact the Performance of a Generalist and Specialist Herbivore
Jakob Palmer
Utah State University; Biology Department
Elevational patterns of a solitary bee, Osmia bruneri
Anna Goates
Utah State University; Biology Department
Speakers presenting in BNR 314, 11:30 AM
*Social hour; LSB 3rd floor atrium: 10:30 AM