Mission Statement

The Department's mission is to discover and advance knowledge in the biological sciences; to effectively impart that knowledge to USU students and the public; and to promote inclusive excellence across our communities. We provide students the conceptual and applied knowledge necessary to address a wide range of issues from managing backyard pests; to better understanding organismal functional systems on the molecular, cellular, and whole organism scales; to studying evolutionary responses of organisms in changing environments. As members of communities that grow, develop, and evolve, our educational experiences will produce responsible global citizens, able to make informed, science-based decisions about complex issues. We are committed to contributing to the scientific community through high quality research and pedagogical innovation and to improving society through service and outreach.


  • Offer comprehensive core research, teaching, and extension programs leading to successful degree and certification outcomes.
  • Prepare undergraduate and graduate students for a diversity of career paths in basic and applied science.
  • Foster classroom, research, and teaching experiences that facilitate growth in knowledge, skills, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
  • Provide a rigorous program of graduate training at both the Master and Doctoral levels. Provide opportunities for graduate students to engage in meaningful research, teaching, professional development, and service endeavors.
  • Regularly establish new and assess existing departmental initiatives, procedures, and policies based on evidence-based practices.
  • Engage, recruit, and retain a diverse community of students, scholars, and staff by fostering an inclusive environment and improving equity within the department, university, and broader communities.
  • Enhance opportunities for faculty, staff, and student scholarship, research, development, and collaboration.